Firefox PHP

Index of Modules by Category

Admin Modules(category: admin): These are some modules that admins will find useful.
BBcode Modules(category: bbcode): Modules that implement extra BBcode tags
Content Embedding Modules(category: embed_content): Modules for embedding content in message bodies.
Conversion from Phorum 3(category: phorum3conversion): If you are converting from Phorum 3, you may want these.
Email Modules(category: email): These modules add or enhance email functions.
Integration Modules(category: integration): Modules for integrating Phorum with other systems
Login and Registration Modules(category: user_management): These modules deal with logging in/out, registration, and login status.
Miscellaneous(category: misc): Last resort category for modules that do not belong anywhere else.
Moderator Modules(category: moderator): Modules that affect forum moderation.
Posting Modules(category: posting): These modules add new posting/editing functions.
Search Modules(category: search): Various methods of searching the forums.
Search Engine Optimization Modules(category: seo): These modules make your forums search engine friendly.
Spam Protection Modules(category: spam): Protect your forums from the constant barrage of spam.
Spell Checking Modules(category: spellchecking): Allow your users to spell-check their posts.
User Modules(category: user_features): These modules give the users new options and enhance their experience.
View and Layout Modules(category: viewlayout): These modules add to or alter the layout of your forums.
Uncategorized: All modules which don't have a category assigned

Admin Modules

* Admin Mass Email:
This mod allows the admin to send a mass email to all users, selected users, users which meet a specific criteria, or users in selected groups.
Author: Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)

* Admin Security Suite:
This module adds a host of security functions to the admin section.
Author: Joe Curia

* Admin Skins:
This module allows for switching the admin screens to a new template.
Author: Jim Lehmann a.k.a. Ravenswood
Version: 1.0

* Automatic HTTP Path:
This module automatically sets the HTTP Path configuration option, based on the active URL. This can be useful if for some reason you run one Phorum install under various host names and/or directories (e.g. a Phorum on a private space intranet server that is also accessible through a public URL or a server that has to be accessible on both an http:// and https:// URL).
Version: 1.0.9

* Automatic Message Pruning:
This module allows an admin to automatically close, hide, or delete posts in selected forums after a selected period of time.
Author: Joe Curia

* Block User:
Allows administrators to handle misbehaving or spammy users.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.0

* Bulk PM:
Allows admins to send private messages to all users by typing ALL in the To: field or selecing "PM to all users" from the user drop down list.

* Bulk User Add:
Creates many users in a single operation. Optionally retrieves user details from an LDAP server and/or adds the users to specified groups.
Author: Elliot Kendall

* Bypass Moderation for Specified User Groups:
This module allows users in specified group to post messages into specified forum without moderator approval.
Author: Guido Tabbernuk, based on preapproval mod by Chris Eaton
Version: 1.0

* Check Modules for Upgrades:
This module will check all Phorum 5.2 modules for upgrades and list their status.
Author: Joe Curia

* Compress Javascript using Packer:
This module compresses the Phorum Javascript code using Dean Edwards' JavaScript Packer algorithm. This reduces bandwidth usage and speeds up the JavaScript code.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Compress Javascript using Yahoo's YUI Compressor:
This module compresses the Phorum Javascript code using Yahoo's excellent YUI Compressor. The JavaScript code can be compressed to less than 50% of its original size. This reduces bandwidth usage and speeds up the JavaScript code.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.4

* Compress output using Minify:
This module compresses the Phorum HTML, CSS and JavaScript output using tools from the Minify package. For information on Minify, take a look at
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Custom Language Database:
This module allows you to easily customize the current language variables and add your own. With this module you will not have to worry about replacing language files as you upgrade. Inspired by Maurice Makaay's module for customizing mail messages.
Author: Joe Curia

* Customize Mail Messages:
This module can be used to customize the mail messages that are sent out by Phorum. You can also do this by editing the language files, but using this module, you won't have to be afraid of overwriting the modified language file on upgrades.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Customize User List:
Customize user lists with an extra field.
Version: 1.0

* Disable Bundled jQuery:
This mod suppresses the loading of the bundled jQuery library, which can be useful in case a jQuery library is already loaded in another way for your site.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Easy Color Scheme Manager:
Choose a color scheme, based on any template, preview it, and apply it to your forum. You can also save and reapply different schemes.
Author: Joe Curia

* Enhanced Custom Profiles:
This module will allow admins to create custom profile fields, choose the type of field for each, and add them automatically to most Control Center pages and the registration page without having to do a template update.
Author: Joe Curia

* External Authentication:
This module allows authentication to Phorum from external applications
Author: Joe Curia

* Fix Proxy IP:
This module can be used when your server is running behind a proxy server. In such case, Phorum will not see the IP-address of the client, but the one of the proxy. If the proxy is proper, it will send along a X-Forwarded-For header, telling the original IP-address. This module will let Phorum use the IP-address from that header if it is available in the request.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.1

* Forum Lockdown:
This module allows the admin to redirect all unauthorized access to the login page, to disable registration without template changes, and to enable an invitation only mode for registration.
Author: Joe Curia

This module removes XHTML tag endings like <br /> and replace them with HTML tags ending like <br>. The module is meant to be used with a custom template where you want Phorum to produce valid HTML and not XHTML.
Author: Kim N. Lesmer
Version: 1.0.0

* HTTPS from HTTP Path:
Populates $_SERVER['HTTPS'] based on the HTTP Path config setting
Author: Elliot Kendall
Version: 0.1

* Impersonate User:
Allows administrators to (temporarily) impersonate a different user, which can be useful when investigating user specific problems.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.7

* Make Profiles Private:
This module prevents people from seeing profiles unless they are logged in.
Author: James Lehmann a.k.a. Ravenswood
Version: 1.0.1

* Moderated User Group:
This module allows you to create a group of users that will always be moderated (ie. their posts will remain hidden until approved by a moderator).
Author: Joe Curia

* Private Message Restrictions:
This module disables the private message system if users do not meet certain criteria.
Author: Frank Montmarquet - fmon
Version: 2.0.1

* Register To Group:
This mod allows you to add each user automatically to one or multiple groups on registration.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0

* Registration Notification:
Sends a notification email to the administrator(s) after a new user has registered
Author: zwerfkat

* Static Pages:
This module allows for the creation of pages of text which will be displayed using the colors and style of the current Phorum template.
Author: Jim Lehmann a.k.a. Ravenswood
Version: 1.0

* Store Files on Disk:
This module takes care of storing file data (attachments, personal user files) on disk instead of using the database as the file storage.
Author: Thomas Seifert and Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.1

* Virtual Hosting:
This module implements virtual hosting facilities for Phorum. It extends the vroot functionality of Phorum, so it is possible to bind a certain website hostname to a specific vroot. This way, multiple websites can have their own Phorum vroot on their own site, looking like it were a separate Phorum installation. There are also some extra's to make vroots / virtual hosts more versatile.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.5

* addon_pages:
This module allows for integrating custom modules, templates, and external links with a Phorum Site.
Author: Nicholas Vrtis
Version: 1.1

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BBcode Modules

* BBCode Flash:
This module allows embedding of Flash (swf files) in forum messages by using the [flash]...[/flash] bbcode tag.
Author: Robert Angle
Version: 1.0.0

* BBcode GeSHi (code syntax highlighting):
This module implements syntax highlighting by extending the BBcode [code] tag. It can be used for adding syntax highlighted program code to messages. For highlighting, the excellent GeSHi (Generic Syntax Highlighter) package is used.
Version: 1.0.5

* BBcode Google:
This module will turn [google]search words[/google] into a link that will search for the search words on Google.
Version: 1.1.2

* BBcode Spoiler:
This module adds the bbcode [spoiler]...[/spoiler], which can be used for adding a spoiler to a message (a spoiler is information that you do not want to show right away to the reader of the message, e.g. a movie plot or a solution to a puzzle, because that could spoil some fun for the reader). The reader can then decide on his own whether he wants to read the spoiler or not.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.10

* BBcode Tables:
This module implements BBcode tables. Edit the settings section in the bbcode_tables.php file to customize the look of the tables.
Author: Joe Curia

* BBcode Video:
This module allows embedding of YouTube, Google,, and videos in forum messages by using the [video]...[/video] bbcode tag. It can also be used to automatically replace recognized video URLs with embedded videos (see the settings screen of the module for that function).
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.10

* Embed MP3:
This module implements an embedded MP3 player. MP3 files can be played directly from a URL using the [mp3]..[/mp3] BBcode tag. If the "Embed Attachments" module is installed and activated, it is possible to use the MP3 player for attachments as well.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.4

* Guitar TAB:
This module will try to autodetect ASCII art based guitar TABs in forum messages and automatically applies the bbcode tag [code] to them (unless they are already within a [code] block).
Version: 1.0.0

* LatexRender Phorum Mod:
This module creates small images from latex code inside [tex][/tex] tags.

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Content Embedding Modules

* BBCode Flash:
This module allows embedding of Flash (swf files) in forum messages by using the [flash]...[/flash] bbcode tag.
Author: Robert Angle
Version: 1.0.0

* BBcode Video:
This module allows embedding of YouTube, Google,, and videos in forum messages by using the [video]...[/video] bbcode tag. It can also be used to automatically replace recognized video URLs with embedded videos (see the settings screen of the module for that function).
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.10

* Embed Attachments:
This module makes it possible to put links that point to the attachments for a message inline at any position in the message body. Other modules (like "Embed Images" and "Embed MP3") can be installed to replace these links by embedded attachment viewers.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.2

* Embed Images:
This module implements several image viewers that can be used for viewing images inside forum messages. The images are shown as scaled down thumbnails in the message, so large images won't break the page layout. By clicking the image, the users can view the full size image in the configured viewer.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.5

* Embed MP3:
This module implements an embedded MP3 player. MP3 files can be played directly from a URL using the [mp3]..[/mp3] BBcode tag. If the "Embed Attachments" module is installed and activated, it is possible to use the MP3 player for attachments as well.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.4

* Embed Soundclick:
Soundclick is a web site ( where musicians can post their audio and video files. This module recognizes Soundclick URLs in messages and replaces them with embedded players, so the files can be played directly from the message.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.2

* Embed Tweet:
This module allows embedding of Tweets using oembed.
Author: Adriano Manocchia
Version: 1.0.2

* Flickr:
This module uses Flickr's API to link user profile's with their Flickr accounts to allow users to easily insert their Flickr photos and videos into their message posts.
Author: Phil Connolly
Version: 1.1.6

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Conversion from Phorum 3

* Pervasive Forum:
Shows specified forums in each folder or each subfolder.
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.0.0

* Phorum 3 Link Parser:
This module is for Phorum 3.x users who upgraded to Phorum 5 and want their old links to still work.
Version: 1.1.1

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Email Modules

* Admin Mass Email:
This mod allows the admin to send a mass email to all users, selected users, users which meet a specific criteria, or users in selected groups.
Author: Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)

* Author as Sender:
Uses the authors (or reporters) display name and email address as sender in the FROM-clause for outgoing emails (user and moderator notifications and private mail).
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.4.4

* Customize Mail Messages:
This module can be used to customize the mail messages that are sent out by Phorum. You can also do this by editing the language files, but using this module, you won't have to be afraid of overwriting the modified language file on upgrades.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Format Email:
Formats outgoing email bodies (user and moderator notifications and private mail): optional strips HTML , BBcode [tags] and bad words from censor list and wordwraps the text.
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.0.1

* Forum Subscriptions:
This module allows users to subscribe to all forums or individual forums in order to receive emails when new messages are posted. It provides users with the option to receive emails for all new messages or only new threads. It also allows users to choose to receive an email for each new message when it is posted, or (if the admin allows it) in a daily or weekly digest email which contains all of the messages from the previous day or week.
Author: Joe Curia

* Group Auto-Email:
This mod allows you to automatically email posts to groups from a forum when they are given rights to that forum.
Author: Joe Curia

* Mailing List:
Sends new posts to one or more forum specific mailing lists (for example managed by Majordomo or Mailman).
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.6.1

* Registration Notification:
Sends a notification email to the administrator(s) after a new user has registered
Author: zwerfkat

* Single Notification:
This module limits the notifications to a single notification per thread until the forum is visited again.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 0.9

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Integration Modules

* External Authentication:
This module allows authentication to Phorum from external applications
Author: Joe Curia

* Gozerbot (IRC bot notification):
"Gozerbot" ( is an IRC bot, written in python. This module makes it possible to use Gozerbot for doing various notifications to a #channel or nickname on IRC (new threads and new reply messages that are posted).
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.1

* Social Media Sharing:
This module allows sharing of threads via social networks.
Author: Ray Tetzloff
Version: 1.0

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Login and Registration Modules

* Admin Security Suite:
This module adds a host of security functions to the admin section.
Author: Joe Curia

* Block User:
Allows administrators to handle misbehaving or spammy users.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.0

* External Authentication:
This module allows authentication to Phorum from external applications
Author: Joe Curia

* Forum Lockdown:
This module allows the admin to redirect all unauthorized access to the login page, to disable registration without template changes, and to enable an invitation only mode for registration.
Author: Joe Curia

* Impersonate User:
Allows administrators to (temporarily) impersonate a different user, which can be useful when investigating user specific problems.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.7

* Login with Email address:
Let users login with registered email address
Author: White October
Version: 1.0.1

* Remember Username:
This module will store the Phorum username that was last used in a cookie. When entering the login screen, the username will be automatically filled in, based on this cookie.
Version: 1.1.0

* Signature by default:
This module sets the "Add my signature to this message" flag for all newly registered users

* User Notes:
This module allows adding notes for users.
Author: Mumtaz Cagri Arici
Version: 1.0

* User Tagging:
This module allows you to setup rules for creating custom template variables, based on a user's state / properties. This can for example be used to add some custom user status (e.g. "rookie", "regular", "veteran") to the users, based on their post count and/or registration date. Assignments can be done to authors on the read pages, to the user on the profile pages and to the logged in Phorum user on every page.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.7

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Moderator Modules

* Auto Hide:
This modules will hide a message after it has been reported a number of times.
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 5.2.2

* Bypass Moderation for Specified User Groups:
This module allows users in specified group to post messages into specified forum without moderator approval.
Author: Guido Tabbernuk, based on preapproval mod by Chris Eaton
Version: 1.0

* Customize User List:
Customize user lists with an extra field.
Version: 1.0

* Moderated User Group:
This module allows you to create a group of users that will always be moderated (ie. their posts will remain hidden until approved by a moderator).
Author: Joe Curia

* Self-Delete Posts Option:
This module allows authors to "delete" their own posts, which are then hidden until a moderator fully deletes them or (if enabled) a cronjob fully deletes them after a set number of days.
Author: Joe Curia

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Posting Modules

* Attachment Uploader:
This module improves the attachment uploading process. It implements attaching and detaching files for a message, without having to refresh the page. For buzzword compliancy, you could think of it as an "Ajax Uploader", although Ajax technology cannot be used for uploading files.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.2

* Attachment Watermarks:
This module will allow sites to place watermarks on attachments.
Author: Azumandias

* Close Topic:
Flags all new or moved topics in specified forums immediately as "closed".
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.2.1

* Empty Bodies:
Allow empty bodies in messages, so forum users can commit quick comments by only using the subject line. The module will also add a string to the subject and body to identify empty messages. These strings can be customized through the language files.
Author: Thomas Seifert and Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.0

* Feedback Questionaires:
This module adds feedback questionaires to forum threads. Administrators can create feedback questionaires with multiple topic/questions and rating scales which can be attached to forums, providing posters with additional fields to post topical feedback when new messages are created.
Author: Phil Connolly
Version: 1.0.2

* Flickr:
This module uses Flickr's API to link user profile's with their Flickr accounts to allow users to easily insert their Flickr photos and videos into their message posts.
Author: Phil Connolly
Version: 1.1.6

* Google Calendar:
This mod allows visitors to submit a forum post to a Google calendar and allows the admin to show a seven day listing of events and/or to embed that calendar into the forum.
Author: Joe Curia

* HTML in Messages:
This module allow HTML to be used in forum messages. This includes allowing special characters that are HTML encoded.
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 2.0.0

* Hide Cancel In Editor:
This mod hides the cancel button in all posting editor screens.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Hide Reply Editor:
This module will hide the reply editor on the read page. The editor is only shown after a user actively clicks the reply or quote button. This will improve the threaded structure of a discussion, because it prevents the user from simply scrolling down and starting to type, in which case the reply would always be a reply to the last message.
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 1.0.2

* LatexRender Phorum Mod:
This module creates small images from latex code inside [tex][/tex] tags.

* Mark edit as unread:
Marks an edited post as unread for all users
Author: Tobias Niepel
Version: 1.1

* Named Posting:
This module allows registered users to post with any name they want and not just their username. It also allows for a user to have two default names, and two signatures.
Author: Chris Eaton
Version: 1.4.2

* PM Keep Copy by default:
This module will enable the "Keep a copy in my sent items" option by default when writing a new private message.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.1

* Pass Default Values (via url):
This module allows you to pass default values to a "New thread", specifying subject and message body by appending variables to /posting.php. The readme has further details.
Author: David King
Version: 1.0.1

* Posting Subtitle:
a new field "subtitle" in the posting.php.
Author: M@AATW

* Pre-Approved Posters:
This module allows users in a certain group to have their posts appear without Moderator Approval.
Author: Chris Eaton
Version: 1.1

* Quick Reply:
This module implements a quick reply feature. Authenticated users can click on "Quick Reply" in a message, which will bring up a very basic message editor without any special features (editor tool buttons, attachments, posting options, etc.) This editor can be used for quickly leaving a reply in a thread.
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 1.0.6

* Rate This Thread:
Module that allows you to have threads rated (voted on) by users, with a different scale on each forum. Settings can be set for a folder and all forums in that folder will inherit them.
Author: James Lehmann (a.k.a. Ravenswood)
Version: 1.2

* Resolved:
Add new/resolved tag.
Author: Vincent DEBOUT
Version: 0.0.1

* Self-Delete Posts Option:
This module allows authors to "delete" their own posts, which are then hidden until a moderator fully deletes them or (if enabled) a cronjob fully deletes them after a set number of days.
Author: Joe Curia

* Speller Pages:
Spellchecking based on aspell and Speller Pages (
Version: 1.0.6

* Terms of Service:
Adds a terms of service agreement to the register and posting page and links to a separate page to display the terms of service.
Author: Oliver Riesen-Mallmann
Version: 2.4.4

* Topic Poll:
This module makes it possible to add polls to forum threads. For each forum you can configure who can create and who can answer polls.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.22

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Search Modules

* Check Subscriptions:
This module adds a button that will redirect to the first Topic which a user is subscribed to which has unread messages.
Author: Tom Ierna
Version: 1.0.0

* Highlighted Search Terms:
This mod allows the admin to highlight search terms using font and background colors or custom HTML.
Author: Joe Curia

* Non-Temporary Search:
This module searches without any use of temporary tables (and its SLOW)
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.0

* Recent Messages:
This module implements an addon page, which displays the most recent messages to the user.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 2.1.2

* Search Spelling:
This module queries Google's search engine for each search request to implement a "Did you mean ...?" function for the Phorum search pages. This will suggest alternative spellings for words that are possibly misspelled in the search query.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.3

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Search Engine Optimization Modules

* Meta Description:
This module automatically adds a meta description field to the head section of the page. The meta data is used by search engines to create a description for the page. Using this module might improve indexing of your website by search engines.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.3

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Spam Protection Modules

* Akismet for Phorum 5.2:
Akismet is a free (for personal/light use) spam checking service. You will need an Akismet key to use it. See the Akismet FAQ for more information.
Version: 5.2.1

* Content Restrictions:
Configurable features for enforcing message body restrictions, such as number of hyperlinks etc.
Author: Adam Sheik
Version: 1.0.1

* KeyCAPTCHA, Interactive CAPTCHA with Social Features:
Innovative antispam service
Author: KeyCAPTCHA team
Version: 1.0

* Mailhide:
This module implements the reCAPTCHA mailhide API for hiding user email addresses from spambots.
Version: 1.1.1

* StopForumSpam:
This module uses to check newly registered users against their database of known spammers.
Author: Thomas Seifert , Skye Nott
Version: 0.3

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User Modules

* All pages link for flat read mode:
This module adds an "All" link to the paging links in flat read mode (e.g. "Goto Page: 1 2 3 All"). Users can click this link to view all messages for a thread on a single page.
Author: Yuri Abramenkov and Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.5

* Anonymous Newflags:
This module allows anonymous users to see newflags
Author: Martijn van Maasakkers

* Anonymous Threading Settings:
This module allows anonymous users choose whether list view is threaded or not and read view is threaded, flat or hybrid
Author: Martijn van Maasakkers

* Attachment Download Counter:
This module keeps a count of the number of times each attachment is downloaded. This information can be displayed alongside of the attachment.
Author: Joe Curia

* Automatic Time Zones:
This module tries to automatically detect the visitor's time zone (using
Author: Maurice Makaay (original idea by Joe Curia)
Version: 6.0.2

* Avatar:
Allows users to create avatars which appear in their posts.

* Birthdays:
This module shows a list of active users that have upcoming birthdays
Author: Juergen Hansen, Sunbringer (update), Steve Healy (update)
Version: 1.0.4

* CarCost (Car Operating Costs and Mileage Statistics):
Adds mileage link from CarCost (Car Operating Costs and Mileage Statistics) to user profile.
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.0.2

* Check Subscriptions:
This module adds a button that will redirect to the first Topic which a user is subscribed to which has unread messages.
Author: Tom Ierna
Version: 1.0.0

* Delete Myself:
Allows the user to delete himself.

* Enhanced Custom Profiles:
This module will allow admins to create custom profile fields, choose the type of field for each, and add them automatically to most Control Center pages and the registration page without having to do a template update.
Author: Joe Curia

* Favorite Forums:
This module allows a user to select favorite forums to be shown together in a My Favorite Forums folder at the top of the index page.
Author: Joe Curia

* Flickr:
This module uses Flickr's API to link user profile's with their Flickr accounts to allow users to easily insert their Flickr photos and videos into their message posts.
Author: Phil Connolly
Version: 1.1.6

* Google Calendar:
This mod allows visitors to submit a forum post to a Google calendar and allows the admin to show a seven day listing of events and/or to embed that calendar into the forum.
Author: Joe Curia

* Google Maps:
This module implements Google Maps functionality in the user profile. The user can indicate in the control center where he/she lives and this location can be displayed to others on the profile viewing screen.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 2.0.9

* Gravatar:
A gravatar is an image that follows your users from site to site appearing beside their name when they do things like comment or post on a blog or forum. Gravatar Module implements gravatars into Phorum seamlessly, and allows users to control the display of their own gravatar.
Author: Phil Connolly
Version: 1.0.5

* Hide Signatures:
This mod adds a configuration option for users, which can be used to disable viewing of user signatures. This option can be found in the user's control center under the "Forum Settings" item.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.1

* Ignore Forums:
This module allows a user to ignore forums that were previously viewed. This will suppress the new message flags on the index page.
Author: Azumandias

* Ignore user:
Allows a user to ignore messages posted by other users
Author: Arlo
Version: 1.0.2

* LatexRender Phorum Mod:
This module creates small images from latex code inside [tex][/tex] tags.

* List ordering:
adds a &ordering= query string parameter, allowing for different sorting of threads in list view - and implements this as clickable table headers in list.tpl
Author: sdbbs
Version: 0.0.1

* Mailhide:
This module implements the reCAPTCHA mailhide API for hiding user email addresses from spambots.
Version: 1.1.1

* Mark All Forums Read:
Displays a link to mark all forums read on the index page.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.9

* Mood:
Lets the user select their "current mood", a graphic which is displayed next to their user name in messages.
Author: Jim Lehmann a.k.a. Ravenswood
Version: 0.9

* Move message(s):
adds a "Move message(s)" link (for administrators) - and corresponding AJAX functionality
Author: sdbbs
Version: 0.0.1

* PDF Pages:
This module implements an addon page, which generates PDF pages for read pages.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.3

* PM Reply Unquoted:
This module changes the PM message reply link into a standard PM link, so the forum message will not be quoted.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Private Message Alerts:
This module alerts users to new private messages through on screen alerts.
Author: Azumandias

* Recent Messages:
This module implements an addon page, which displays the most recent messages to the user.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 2.1.2

* Remember Username:
This module will store the Phorum username that was last used in a cookie. When entering the login screen, the username will be automatically filled in, based on this cookie.
Version: 1.1.0

* Self-Delete Posts Option:
This module allows authors to "delete" their own posts, which are then hidden until a moderator fully deletes them or (if enabled) a cronjob fully deletes them after a set number of days.
Author: Joe Curia

* Spritmonitor (Gas Mileage and Vehicle's Costs Calculator):
Adds mileage icon from (Gas Mileage and Vehicle's Costs Calculator) to user profile.
Author: Oliver Riesen-Mallmann
Version: 1.0.2

* User Avatar:
Allows users to setup an avatar image, which can appear in their posts and profile page. Users can upload multiple avatar images in the control center. One of these can be selected as the active avatar.
Author: Thomas Seifert and Maurice Makaay
Version: 3.0.5

* User List:
Present a list of active users.
Author: Jim Lehmann a.k.a. Ravenswood
Version: 1.0.2

* User Thank_Flame:
A module that allows users to thank or flame other users for their posts
Author: J. David Smith
Version: 0.7

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View and Layout Modules

* AJAX style Mark Read Module for Emerald:
This module replaces the Mark Read links with ajax calls without requiring a page refresh. It is built to work with the Emerald template.

* Ajax Toggle Folders:
This module allows users to toggle (collapse/expand) forum folders with ajax calls without requiring a page refresh. Expand/Collapse state are saved except for guest users.
Author: Giam Teck Choon
Version: 0.0.1

* Anonymous Newflags:
This module allows anonymous users to see newflags
Author: Martijn van Maasakkers

* Anonymous Threading Settings:
This module allows anonymous users choose whether list view is threaded or not and read view is threaded, flat or hybrid
Author: Martijn van Maasakkers

* Attachment Download Counter:
This module keeps a count of the number of times each attachment is downloaded. This information can be displayed alongside of the attachment.
Author: Joe Curia

* Automatic Mobile Template:
Recognizes mobile browsers and switches the template
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 1.0.3

* Automatic Time Zones:
This module tries to automatically detect the visitor's time zone (using
Author: Maurice Makaay (original idea by Joe Curia)
Version: 6.0.2

* Banner Manager:
This module can be used to add (possibly externally hosted) banners to Phorum pages. The administrator can configure what banner code has to be displayed on what Phorum pages.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.4

* Breadcrumbs 'Home' to External Site:
This module can be used to modify the breadcrumbs of Phorum in such way that the original 'Home' breadcrumb is renamed to 'Forums' and that a new 'Home' link is prepended. The new 'Home' link can be configured to point to an arbitrary URL.
Version: 1.0.0

* Collapsible Folders:
This module allows registered users to collapse forum folders.
Author: Mumtaz Cagri Arici
Version: 1.0

* Conceal Message Timestamp:
Conceals message timestamp for messages older than 24 hours. Don't let your boss know that you wrote at work ...
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.0.3 Last Edition

* Custom Attachment Icons:
This module allows the admin to replace the normal attachment icon with icons relating to the mime type of the attachment(s).
Author: Joe Curia

* Customize User List:
Customize user lists with an extra field.
Version: 1.0

* Easy Color Scheme Manager:
Choose a color scheme, based on any template, preview it, and apply it to your forum. You can also save and reapply different schemes.
Author: Joe Curia

* Favorite Forums:
This module allows a user to select favorite forums to be shown together in a My Favorite Forums folder at the top of the index page.
Author: Joe Curia

* File List:
Adds a file list for a thread, which lists all attachments that are available in the full thread.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.4

* Format Edit Notification:
This module can be used to change the formatting of the message edit notification (e.g. use less space between the body and notification, use a smaller font, etc.)
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.2

* Format Signatures:
This module can be used to add formatting to signatures (e.g. showing signatures in a different color or adding a separator line between the body and the signature).
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.1

* Go To Topic:
This module implements the Go To Topic concept from Phorum 3. It allows the user to jump back to the exact list page on which a message that was read or written resides. Phorum 5 only implements the Message List link, which will always jump to the first list page.
Author: Brian Moon and Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.2.3

* Google Calendar:
This mod allows visitors to submit a forum post to a Google calendar and allows the admin to show a seven day listing of events and/or to embed that calendar into the forum.
Author: Joe Curia

* Hide Cancel In Editor:
This mod hides the cancel button in all posting editor screens.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.0

* Hide Edit Notification:
This module will hide the "Edited [x] times..." notification message that is put below a message after editing it. You can configure for which types of users to do this (admins, moderators and/or users).
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.1.0

* Highlighted Search Terms:
This mod allows the admin to highlight search terms using font and background colors or custom HTML.
Author: Joe Curia

* Ignore Forums:
This module allows a user to ignore forums that were previously viewed. This will suppress the new message flags on the index page.
Author: Azumandias

* Index Structure:
Use different structure for root and folders on index page.
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.0.0

* Jumpmenu:
This module adds a javascript menu to the Phorum pages, which can be used to quickly select a forum to jump to. Forum folders will be shown as submenus.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.2.2

* Jumpmenu Addlinks:
This module lets an admin add extra links to the Jumpmenu menu
Author: Martyn Edwards (a.k.a. Kronalias)
Version: 1.0.0

* Last Forum Post:
This module keeps track of the last post that has been done in each forum (similar to the last post functionality that is already available for each thread).
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.2.0

* Limit threaded views:
This module allows admins to setup limits for threaded list and read views. If a limit is reached, then the module will switch the view mode back to flat view. This can be useful in case there are threads in a forum that are too large for the system to process quickly.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.1

* New Count:
Shows the number of new messages in threads instead of just indicating that there are new messages. It also computes totals for all new messages and treads in the forum index and message lists.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.13

* Online Users:
This module shows which users have been seen online recently. Additionally, it can keep track of the number of guests, visitor records and the number of active readers for each forum.
Author: Chris Eaton (5.1), Maurice Makaay (5.2 rewrite), Thomas Seifert (preliminary database support)
Version: 2.5.3

* PDF Pages:
This module implements an addon page, which generates PDF pages for read pages.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.3

* Pervasive Forum:
Shows specified forums in each folder or each subfolder.
Author: Oliver Riesen
Version: 1.0.0

* Post Previews:
This module adds AJAX post previews to all links which point to posts on this forum.
Author: Joe Curia

* Private Message Alerts:
This module alerts users to new private messages through on screen alerts.
Author: Azumandias

* Public Domain Images (pdimages):
This module can show public domain images from and provides some information about its owner (such as username, karma, etc.).
Author: Mick Faraday
Version: 1.0.0

* Readable Dates and Concealed Times:
Make dates easier to read for humans, by using relative indications like "two hours ago", "yesterday, 12:30", "today, 17:52", "two weeks ago", "last year", etc. Conceals message timestamp for messages older than 24 hours. Don't let your boss know that you wrote at work ... All date indications can be customized through the language files.
Author: Maurice Makaay and Oliver Riesen-Mallmann
Version: 1.2.1

* Resolved:
Add new/resolved tag.
Author: Vincent DEBOUT
Version: 0.0.1

* Show Moderators:
Show the moderators for a forum on the index, list and/or read pages.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.2

* Subforums:
This module implements a simple subforums system. On the index page, subforums will be listed as simple links for each forum that has subforums. On the list page, details for the subforums are listed at the top of the page. The breadcrumbs will be modified to represent the subforum structure. Check the module's README file for information on how to organize your forums and folders for this module.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.1

* Threaded Tree View:
This module displays the threaded list view with tree lines similar to those used in Phorum 3.
Author: Brian Moon, updated for Phorum 5.2 by Joe Curia

* User Tagging:
This module allows you to setup rules for creating custom template variables, based on a user's state / properties. This can for example be used to add some custom user status (e.g. "rookie", "regular", "veteran") to the users, based on their post count and/or registration date. Assignments can be done to authors on the read pages, to the user on the profile pages and to the logged in Phorum user on every page.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.7

* forumstats:
This module can show a couple of statistics about your forums at the bottom of the page (number of topics, number of posts, number of users, newest member).
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 0.9.4

* switchview:
This module allows to switch the view on list- and read-page
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.0

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* BBcode version 2 (complete rewrite):
This module allows users to add BBcode (Bulletin Board Code) tags to their postings. BBcode tags are a safe way of adding markup (bold, italic, images, links, etc.).
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 2.0.7

* Buddies as Recipients:
This module gives the buddies as select field in the pm-to form. Development sponsored by
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.0.1

* Etag (Proof of Concept):
This module tries to send etag headers for phorum pages. It doesn't reduce load but could reduce traffic
Author: Thomas Seifert
* External Phorummail:
This module adds a scheduled function to import mails from pop3/imap accounts into your phorum
Author: Thomas Seifert & Robert Angle
Version: 2.1.5

* Facebook URL Fixer:
This module works around a Facebook bug which munges commas and equals in Phorum URLs that are shared to Facebook.
Version: 1.0.1

* Friend System Module:
This module handles a separate controlcenter panel for replacing the buddies system with a friend system which allows friend requests and allowing / rejecting these and also provides a friend list in the profile which is shown depending on the privacy settings set by the user himself.
Author: Thomas Seifert
Version: 1.1.0

* HTML Purifier:
This module enables standards-compliant HTML filtering on Phorum. Please check migrate.bbcode.php before enabling this mod.
Author: Edward Z. Yang
Version: 4.0.0

* Message body merge:
This module merges messages if owner of last and new message is the same
Author: Paweł Ryznar
Version: 1.1

* New Messages Icon:
In forum list view, show icon to the left of forums to indicate whether this forum contains new messages or not.
Author: Jim Lehmann a.k.a. Ravenswood

* Premium Subscribers:
Allows admins to make certain users subscribers, with an expiry date. This can then be used to hide adverts for subscribers or assign them extra benefits.
Author: Adam Sheik
Version: 1.0.2

* Redirect Home Page to a Forum:
Never show the forum index, but jump to a specified forum instead.

* Search Engine Friendly URL's:
This module extensively changes URLs to seo friendly ones. In addition, URLs can be changed for search and cc for usability purposes
Author: Martijn van Maasakkers
Version: 1.0.7

* Signature Restrictions:
This module implements configurable features for enforcing signature restrictions. The module will check the signature when it is stored in the control center by the user and show an error to the user if the new signature does not meet the restrictions.
Author: Maurice Makaay
Version: 1.0.4

* SolR search:
This module uses the solr fulltext search engine to gather the results of the phorum-search
Author: Martijn van Maasakkers
Version: 1.0.0

* Spam Hurdles 2, release candidate - testers welcome:
This module sets up some hurdles for forum spammers. It implements both interactive (CAPTCHA) and non-interactive anti-spam methods to keep away spam bots. On the settings page, you can control exactly what hurdles to enable.
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 2.0.2

* Sphinx Search:
This module uses the sphinx fulltext search engine to gather the results of the phorum-search
Author: Thomas Seiffert, updated by Martijn van Maasakkers
Version: 1.0.0

* Table format:
This module implements table syntax to allow user to add table in the description.
Author: Vincent DEBOUT
Version: 0.0.1

* Thread start on each read page:
This module can be used to display the thread starting message on each read page. This way, the thread starting message can always be kept visible, while the user can browse the thread reply messages.
Version: 1.0.0

* Togglefloat:
This module allows the user to switch between floating and static message list views
Version: 1.1.0

* Top Users:
This module implements an addon page, which displays a list of user statistics which can be ordered in various ways
Author: Thomas Seifert, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas (update), and Steve Healy (rewrite)
Version: 2.0.3

* Twitter new posts:
Send Phorum posts to Twitter.
Version: 1.0.1

* User in logout link:
This module will add the username of the authenticated user to the Phorum log out link. The text of the logout link can be tweaked through this module's language files.
Version: 1.0.0

* Whitespace Restrictions:
This module can be used to restrict the use of excessive whitespace in messages, by trimming down the whitespace at formatting time.
Author: Phorum Dev Team
Version: 1.0.0

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