Firefox PHP

Easysmilies for Phorum 3.4

Posted by JP 
Re: Code but no image
April 19, 2004 03:26AM
The plugin is activate, but it's doesn't work anyway.
Before I installed Easysmilies it was not working either! So It must have something wrong somewhere and I can't find it.

Any idea?
Re: Easysmilies for Phorum 3.4
April 19, 2004 12:20PM

Re: Code but no image
April 20, 2004 12:29PM
Have you verify that it is the easysmilies plugin that is activated and not the original smiley plugin.
Check that folders and files have write access.

Re: Easysmilies for Phorum 3.4
May 21, 2004 08:52AM
check easysmiles on my website []
with HelpLine :P
Re: Easysmilies for Phorum 3.4
June 15, 2004 03:59AM
Bravo JP,

No pb, easy install and use. I just corrected some french errors in espopup.html ;)

Les français : la pièce est jointe...
Re: Easysmilies for Phorum 3.4
July 29, 2004 08:43AM
Great works, J.P. !!!

Thank you...


çà marche impec et c'est très simple à installer. Merci et bravo

It works great and is very easy to install. Thanks and well done !

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