Firefox PHP
Hi out there,
I just wanted to let you know about my "latest toy" :)

I modified my "latestposts"-Script (look at [] and [] ) to generate a RDF Site Summary.
(If you don't know what that is: Do you know the KDE-Applet "Knewsticker"?)

It uses the Class "RSSWriter" from [] and it works fine with Phorum 3.3.2a.

Demo: [] (my private low-Traffic One)
Download: []
Questions: []

Have Fun,

Thank you very much for that!

I did some minor modifications like using DESC in the ORBER BY section of the Query and added an argument to be able to get the news from one forum in particular. If you're interested, I coud send you my modified script.

Thanks again!

I just uploaded the modified file to Michael's website.


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