Firefox PHP

Using phorums username and password variables

Posted by shrike 
Using phorums username and password variables
October 29, 2002 04:56AM
I'd like to use phorums existing member database and use it for verifcation for other pages on my site.

any ideas?
Re: Using phorums username and password variables
October 31, 2002 12:34PM
I'd imagine this wouldn't be too incredibly hard. I'd love to be able to use the database to control access to certain directories on my site. I'll look at the code - I can't imagine it would be too hard...
Re: Using phorums username and password variables
November 07, 2002 04:33PM
any update on this Dave?
Re: Using phorums username and password variables
November 13, 2002 10:52AM
I would also like to know how this would work.
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