Firefox PHP

Phorum-5.2.7-RC1 released

Posted by Thomas Seifert 
Phorum-5.2.7-RC1 released
March 03, 2008 05:00PM
Nearly two months after our first stable release we are announcing the first release candidate of Phorum 5.2.7 which is a bug fix release over 5.2.6 fixing lots of issues found with it.

Please test this release and let us know any issues you encounter with it.

You can download it from our downloads page (see "Current Development Version" there).

This is the excerpt from the changelog:


2008-03-03 21:35 mmakaay
* Fix for #708: Dates in the admin interface were not shown in a
consistent way, because sometimes hard-coded date formats were

2008-03-03 03:50 mmakaay
* Fix for #650: Make ... work in the bbcode

2008-03-03 03:37 mmakaay
* Fix for #704: phorum_relative_date() doesn't honor the timezone

2008-03-03 01:25 mmakaay
* The Image API thumbnail code now generates JPEG thumbnails instead
of PNG. JPEG allows for better compression, resulting in smaller
images. When using PNG, the thumbnails are sometimes bigger in
filesize than the original images. Important: I you are using the
Embed Images module, then download the latest version of it to support
this change.

2008-03-03 00:46 mmakaay
* New hooks for the private message system: buddy_list, pm_list,

2008-03-02 19:26 mmakaay
* Fixed #706: Editor Tools module doesn't use constants for default
icon size. Thanks to Alexey Torkhov for the bug report.

2008-03-02 19:20 mmakaay
* Automatic processing of bare URLs and email addresses is made
optional through two new BBcode module settings (ticket #696,
thanks for the suggestion Alexey Torkhov).

2008-03-02 17:29 mmakaay
* Fixed #690: Harmless warnings from file cache layer should now be

2008-02-29 14:35 mmakaay
* Fixed a bug in the username restrictions module. It was not
possible to set a minimum length in combination with no maximum
length. The maximum length was set to the minimum length in this
case. Thanks to Lammi41 for the bug report and the patch.

2008-02-28 14:30 mmakaay
* Implemented a hook call "page_<phorum_page>" that can be used to
run a "common" hook for specific pages only (e.g. "page_index",
"page_pm", etc.)

2008-02-25 12:16 ts77
* fixed double escaping of the excerpt in search results

2008-02-24 19:18 ts77
* applied change from [2827] to atom feed and fixing double escaping
of subject (fixing #686, thanks to Alexey Torkhov)

2008-02-19 11:57 mmakaay
* Fixed #692: the control center and private message pages no longer
show the forum descriptions (thanks to James Revillini for the bug
report). Additionally, the heading for the private messages pages
was set to a better value.

2008-02-19 08:53 mmakaay
* Added a comments field to the banlist items, based on a patch that
was provided by James Revillini. Thanks James!

2008-02-18 13:06 ts77
* added options for port and socket to database configuration and
the appropriate layers and documentation (#683, thanks to Alexey

2008-02-18 11:46 ts77
* fixed layout for pm_list_incoming.tpl, (#699, thanks to Alexey

2008-02-17 14:04 ts77
* added page argument to print view link so that it shows the page
you are at in print view (fixing #695, thanks to Alexey Torkhov)

2008-02-16 17:07 ts77
* only allow template selection through url if not set to fixed view
(fixing #693, thanks to Alexey Torkhov)

2008-02-16 16:50 ts77
* added format_fixup hook to announcements module too (fixing #694,
thanks to Alexey Torkhov)

2008-02-11 22:23 mmakaay
* Added a fix for making the database install code work for the Spam
Hurdles module work in MySQL strict mode. Thanks to
user "shaneshack" for finding and reporting the problem!

2008-02-09 23:28 mmakaay
* Fixed #688: Changed {URL->MARKREAD} to {URL->MARK_READ} in the
classic template (thanks to Alexey Torkov).

2008-02-06 01:18 mmakaay
* Fixed the subject bad word censoring checks. The checks were run,
but the outcome was stored in the wrong variable.

2008-02-05 19:37 mmakaay
* Fix for the database layer to correctly process MySQL error code
1582, which was temporarily implemented in the MySQL server
(versions 5.1.15 up to 5.1.20). This error code has been reverted
to the original error code 1062 in the fix for MySQL bug report
#28842. Unfortunately we have to add this work around to Phorum
for this now. References: -
[] -

2008-01-25 17:37 brian
* Added the direct link to the message for each message in flat and
hybrid view for easy copy and paste.

2008-01-24 09:42 mmakaay
* Indexes "recent_threads" and "updated_threads" were not in the
create table statements. They were added to the install code and
the existing database patches were moved forward to let them
run on already installed systems to fix the database.

2008-01-18 12:31 mmakaay
* Fix for #675: Wrong variable use for "place it in ...." text.

2008-01-18 12:28 mmakaay
* Fix for #675: "Post" and "SaveChanges" not recognized by language
admin tool.

2008-01-18 12:11 mmakaay
* Change "onchange" event for "Follow topic" checkbox to "onclick"
to work around a problem with MSIE7 not visibly acting on checkbox
changes (event bubbling seems to be halted for "onchange" in
MSIE7, thanks MS!)

2008-01-18 11:20 mmakaay
* Fixed a bug that was reported by charliemc86: enabling the option
"Ignore Admin for moderator-emails" had no effect. Administrators
would still get moderation email messages. Thanks Charlie!

Thomas Seifert

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2008 02:36AM by mmakaay.
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