Template: Global Business
Posted by Pemba
Re: Template: Global Business July 06, 2015 11:46AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 71 |
Scott Finegan
The only template I see is simple blue on any page as an unregistered visitor.
I had it turned to simple blue since it's basically broke and simple blue isn't. I will turn to Global and leave it on for your inspection when ever you are ready just comment on this thread and I'll do so immediately.
Thanks Scott!
Re: Template: Global Business July 10, 2015 03:54PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 71 |
I have it turned on now if anyone can take a look at it for me I'd appreciate it greatly. I have it in read only mode for a few hours and have this basically broke template running so if you see anything causing the problem specific, I can get started right away on changing the template files that need the fix.
Re: Template: Global Business July 10, 2015 05:07PM |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 569 |
Your paths don't match where your template is located. May be as simple as a missing / . or dot.
You can create a new forum, and then change its template from the default simple blue, to global. Without the need to "read only".
A whole New separate install for testing. Put the whole install in a subdirectory, change the prefix in the config to use a different database and table prefix, then type the URL to get there.
Landing/Home page : h t tp://cratedig ging. co/templates/global/global_style.css
General Discussion : h t tp://cratedig ging. co/list/templates/global/global_style.css
You can create a new forum, and then change its template from the default simple blue, to global. Without the need to "read only".
A whole New separate install for testing. Put the whole install in a subdirectory, change the prefix in the config to use a different database and table prefix, then type the URL to get there.
Re: Template: Global Business July 13, 2015 02:20PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 71 |
^Scott, I appreciate the help but I'm sorry, I just don't understand where those values are declared. I looked at global_styles.css and I don't see anything in there. I just went thru half the template files looking for where you are seeing this and I am not finding the smoking gun.
Regarding testing it out in a sub folder, I thought of doing this, and I'd still like to, but I'm afraid of putting another database on my server, I'm just afraid I'll screw up my current forum's database.
Where and how are you seeing this
Where and how are you seeing this
I am using Firebug to look at the html code behind the scenes and I still don't even see how that tells me what files declare these urls.
Can you tell me specifics as to what I am missing?
Also, why would it be ok with the simple blue template and not the global? Was this a mistake on user Pemba's part or did I not flip the right switch?
This is very frustrating, I am trying to figure it out with the help you are giving me but I'm not there yet with you.
Regarding testing it out in a sub folder, I thought of doing this, and I'd still like to, but I'm afraid of putting another database on my server, I'm just afraid I'll screw up my current forum's database.
Where and how are you seeing this
Scott Finegan
Your paths don't match where your template is located. May be as simple as a missing / . or dot.Landing/Home page : h t tp://cratedig ging. co/templates/global/global_style.css General Discussion : h t tp://cratedig ging. co/list/templates/global/global_style.css
Where and how are you seeing this
I am using Firebug to look at the html code behind the scenes and I still don't even see how that tells me what files declare these urls.
Can you tell me specifics as to what I am missing?
Also, why would it be ok with the simple blue template and not the global? Was this a mistake on user Pemba's part or did I not flip the right switch?
This is very frustrating, I am trying to figure it out with the help you are giving me but I'm not there yet with you.
Re: Template: Global Business September 17, 2015 05:32PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 71 |
Ok, here is what I got so far, you can see it's functioning without the search bar, the breadcrumbs or the log in and log out options.
The ONLY reason it is working is because I took the code that does function from the header and pasted it directly in the page before the body starts. I obviously don't want to do that, I just want to call the header so it will just do it's thing.
Likewise I pasted functioning footer code directly on that page and likewise I'd rather just call it with the proper command.
Here is the code I am using right now for this...
This trial and error messing around crap is taking me literally days when there must be a simple answer of where to place the 2 includes and to somehow get the login information from the database.
Can I get some specific help on that one little part so I can please be done with this?
edit: removed unnecessary information.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2015 12:26PM by rchecka.
The ONLY reason it is working is because I took the code that does function from the header and pasted it directly in the page before the body starts. I obviously don't want to do that, I just want to call the header so it will just do it's thing.
Likewise I pasted functioning footer code directly on that page and likewise I'd rather just call it with the proper command.
Here is the code I am using right now for this...
Language: PHP<?php if ($PHORUM[';DATA';][';CHARSET';]) { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".htmlspecialchars($PHORUM[';DATA';][';CHARSET';])); echo ';<?xml version="1.0" encoding="';.$PHORUM[';DATA';][';CHARSET';].';"?>';; } else { echo ';<?xml version="1.0" ?>';; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <!-- START TEMPLATE header.tpl --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="{LOCALE}" lang="{LOCALE}"> <head> <title><?php { HTML_TITLE; }?></title> <?php { LANG_META; }?> <!-- if(PRINTVIEW){ ';<meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" />';; } else { ';<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{ URL->CSS; }" media="screen" />';; ';<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{ URL->CSS_PRINT; }" media="print" />';; ';<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{ template_url; }/global_style_alt.css" />';; }?> --> <LINK rel="stylesheet" href="http://cratedigging.co/templates/global/global_style_alt.css"> <?php { HEAD_TAGS; }?> </head> <body> <body onload="{IF FOCUS_TO_ID}var focuselt=document.getElementById(';{FOCUS_TO_ID}';); if (focuselt) focuselt.focus();{/IF}"> <div id="templatemo_site_title_bar_wrapper"> <div id="templatemo_site_title_bar"> <div id="site_title"> <h1><a href="/"> <!-- Cratedigging Cooperative <span>crate digging</span> --> <span>The Cratedigging Co-Op</span> </a></h1> </div> <ul class="social_network"> <img border="0" align="center" <li><a href="http://instagram.com/cratedigging.co"><img src="/templates/global/images/CDC-Instagram-sm.png" alt="Instagram" /></a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_site_title_bar --> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_site_title_bar_wrapper --> <div id="templatemo_banner_wrapper"> <div id="templatemo_banner"> <div id="banner_content"> <img border="0" hspace="" align="center" src="/templates/global/images/CDC-Logo-Main.png" alt="" title="" style="HEIGHT: 196px; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: ; WIDTH: 699px; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: ; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: ; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR:"> </div> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_banner --> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_banner_wrapper --> <div id="templatemo_menu_wrapper"> <div id="templatemo_menu"> <ul> <li><a href="http://cratedigging.co"><span></span>Forums</a></li> <li><a href="http://cratedigging.co/mission.htm"><span></span>Mission</a></li> <li><a href="http://cratedigging.co/formatting-help.htm"><span></span>Formatting Help</a></li> <li><a href="http://cratedigging.co/FAQs.htm"><span></span>FAQs</a></li> <li><a href="http://cratedigging.co/contact.htm"><span></span>Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_menu --> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_menu_wrapper --> <div id="templatemo_content"> <body onload="{IF FOCUS_TO_ID}var focuselt=document.getElementById(';{FOCUS_TO_ID}';); if (focuselt) focuselt.focus();{/IF}"> <div id="phorum"> <div id="user-info" class="{IF LOGGEDIN}logged-in{ELSE}logged-out{/IF}"> </div> <p> </p> <!-- Put Body of Work HERE --> <p> </p> <h1 align="center">Contact Us</h1> <p>The Cratedigging Cooperative is the brainchild of long-time friends rchecka and Uptownkid. The CDC is maintained and upgraded by rchecka.</p> <p><strong>rchecka:</strong> moderator and webmaster </p> <p><strong>Uptownkid:</strong> moderator</p> <h2 align="center">Please PM if Possible</h2> <p align="center"><img title="" border="0" alt="" src="http://cratedigging.co/templates/global/images/PM-first.jpg"></p> <p><br> <strong>To communicate with the moderators and\or webmaster we prefer PMs verses emails.</strong> Either PM rchecka or Uptownkid if you need to discuss anything on your mind.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h2 align="center"> If all else fails...</h2> <p align="center"><img title="" border="0" alt="" src="http://cratedigging.co/templates/global/images/email2.jpg"></p> <p><strong>For non members with Cratedigging.co questions, or new users having difficulty signing up...</strong></p> <p><font color="#000000"><strong>For general feedback or inquiries:</strong></font></p> <p> </p> <!-- thru here --> </script><div class="paging"> </div></div> <div class="cleaner"></div> </div> <!-- end of templatemo_content --> <div id="templatemo_content_bottom"></div> <div id="templatemo_footer"> Copyright 2015 <a href="">Cratedigging Cooperative</a>. Driven by <a href="http://www.phorum.org/">Phorum</a>. Template by osDesk. </div> <br /><br /> </div> </body> </html> <!-- END TEMPLATE {TEMPLATE}/footer.tpl --> ?>
This trial and error messing around crap is taking me literally days when there must be a simple answer of where to place the 2 includes and to somehow get the login information from the database.
Can I get some specific help on that one little part so I can please be done with this?
edit: removed unnecessary information.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2015 12:26PM by rchecka.
Re: Template: Global Business September 17, 2015 07:29PM |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 569 |
If you wish to add "stuff" that is imported automatically in Phorum, you need to ...
This is from index. p h p this is where you land in Phorum if your URL doesn't name some specific page.
Did you look at Module: Static Pages ? And yes there is a learning curve here also. It may simplify your life, or make it more complicated. No I have not tried this module.
This is from index. p h p this is where you land in Phorum if your URL doesn't name some specific page.
... and then locate where and how the template (in common. p h p) and css are called and duplicate it.Language: PHP<?php // name your page, then replace ';index'; with the page name, if you don';t it may not work (see also read.php) // define(';phorum_page';,';index';); include_once( "./common.php" ); include_once( "./include/format_functions.php" );
Did you look at Module: Static Pages ? And yes there is a learning curve here also. It may simplify your life, or make it more complicated. No I have not tried this module.
Re: Template: Global Business September 18, 2015 05:12PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 71 |
Scott, I appreciate you sticking with me on this but it's not worth it any more. The html pages on my site are functioning just fine, the header and footer are working without the include statement, and I just can't justify spending another day after today for something this minor.
FYI, that static pages module doesn't work. You can edit the sample page and it doesn't show you your changes. You can create a new page that doesn't work it bombs out. I dug thru all that code and because it's module code it's not the same as the simple php with html that I'm trying to accomplish.
Also, adding include_once( "./common.php" ); says "cannot modify the header" and I've tried digging around for the code in the other locations you provided without any luck. I know others probably know the way to do this but I guess I don't know the secret handshake because I get answers like "Oh maybe you should look at emerald, to understand the software better, there's only 100 files in there so figure it out." I don't have time to understand all the ins and outs of this old-ass software, all I want is a simple static page that calls the header and that's apparently not gonna happen unless I know the secret handshake.
It should be easy to accomplish this, but the documentation on how phorum calls the header or footer isn't in the developer pages which I read 5x. That developer pages documentation is, I'll just say it, horrible. It's like one sentence per page of useless info that reads like a stereo manual written for a guy who builds stereos for a living. It is not even remotely helpful and frankly I think it's archaic looking and should be scrapped for documentation that actually goes through the logical flow of the programming with examples of how to make something that actually matters. Something as simple as phorum starts with this file and moves to this file next and so on would be helpful but you are expected to just guess or go thru all the code to find out and that's ridiculous. I got more of that php to work on external sources than I did from that documentation, so what does that tell you.
But as for you, I appreciate all the help you offered around here, you are an asset to this place. Thanks again.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2015 05:13PM by rchecka.
FYI, that static pages module doesn't work. You can edit the sample page and it doesn't show you your changes. You can create a new page that doesn't work it bombs out. I dug thru all that code and because it's module code it's not the same as the simple php with html that I'm trying to accomplish.
Also, adding include_once( "./common.php" ); says "cannot modify the header" and I've tried digging around for the code in the other locations you provided without any luck. I know others probably know the way to do this but I guess I don't know the secret handshake because I get answers like "Oh maybe you should look at emerald, to understand the software better, there's only 100 files in there so figure it out." I don't have time to understand all the ins and outs of this old-ass software, all I want is a simple static page that calls the header and that's apparently not gonna happen unless I know the secret handshake.
It should be easy to accomplish this, but the documentation on how phorum calls the header or footer isn't in the developer pages which I read 5x. That developer pages documentation is, I'll just say it, horrible. It's like one sentence per page of useless info that reads like a stereo manual written for a guy who builds stereos for a living. It is not even remotely helpful and frankly I think it's archaic looking and should be scrapped for documentation that actually goes through the logical flow of the programming with examples of how to make something that actually matters. Something as simple as phorum starts with this file and moves to this file next and so on would be helpful but you are expected to just guess or go thru all the code to find out and that's ridiculous. I got more of that php to work on external sources than I did from that documentation, so what does that tell you.
But as for you, I appreciate all the help you offered around here, you are an asset to this place. Thanks again.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2015 05:13PM by rchecka.
Re: Template: Global Business September 25, 2015 03:33AM |
Admin Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 746 |
I split part of the thread.
Joe "rchecka" wrote:
The following discussion about how to build a static page with template style is found here.
Using Phorum since 7/2000: forum.langzeittest.de (actual version 5.2.23)
Modules "Made in Germany" for version 5.2: Author_as_Sender, CarCost, Close_Topic, Conceal_Message_Timestamp,
Format_Email, Index_Structure, Mailing_List, Pervasive_Forum, Spritmonitor, Terms_of_Service and German_Language_Files_Package.
Joe "rchecka" wrote:
Ok, after many trials and tribulations, I have finally been able to make this template work on all fronts. I am slowly but surely figuring this stuff out! Turns out you can declare the css file in the header and that is what I did along with adjusting the css file in the forum directory.
Anyways, here's what it looks like. I'm thinking it turned out pretty nice. I even made a few helpful HTML help pages that I linked to in the top which hopefully will make BB-Code easier for my non technical members.
The following discussion about how to build a static page with template style is found here.
Using Phorum since 7/2000: forum.langzeittest.de (actual version 5.2.23)
Modules "Made in Germany" for version 5.2: Author_as_Sender, CarCost, Close_Topic, Conceal_Message_Timestamp,
Format_Email, Index_Structure, Mailing_List, Pervasive_Forum, Spritmonitor, Terms_of_Service and German_Language_Files_Package.
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