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File Name File Size   Posted by Date 8.9 KB open | download Thomas Seifert 10/27/2016 Read message
Module: StopForumSpam
November 28, 2011 12:42PM
This module allows to check registrations against the database.
It allows to select which one of the 3 checks (ip, username, email) should be run and blocks or unapproves a user which fails the given check(s).


2016/10/27 version 0.3 by Oliver Riesen-Mallmann <>
- Added german translation.
- info.txt and README extended.

2012/01/10 version 0.2 by Skye Nott <>
- Renamed lang/en.php to lang/english.php.
- Changed default to check IP and email (those seem to get the best result).
- Added new "force_generic" option to show less helpful message. I do not want
  spammers to get any hint as to why they are being blocked (e.g. many spammers
  have a pool of IPs to use).
- Added new "freq_min" option for finer control over blocking threshold. All
  checked fields frequency is added, if it is above this score it's considered
  spammy. Use value 1 for maximum blocking (like version 0.1).
- Fixed duplicate "check_email" URL arg which was supposed to be

2011/11/28 version 0.1 by Thomas Seifert <>
- Initial release.

ToDo's include:
  • option to send a given user as a spammer to (the only point where the apikey is really needed otherwise it can be filled with random characters)
  • ... your ideas?

Thomas Seifert

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2016 04:08AM by Oliver Riesen-Mallmann.
open | download - (8.9 KB)
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 15, 2011 10:38PM
Thank you!!! I just started working on this today, I'm glad to see you beat me to it.... I'm quite the slowpoke.

I've actually been running stopforumspam lookups in a module for some other software for a few months now, it works quite well.
Just didn't get around to making it a module. I have two Phorum installations that need this really bad, I had to completely close registrations on one.

Thanks again

Skye Nott
Corvus Digital

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2011 10:50PM by Skye.
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 18, 2011 08:01PM
I'm developing the module further, what is the best way to contribute changes? Attach a patch diff in this thread?

Skye Nott
Corvus Digital
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 19, 2011 01:33AM
Yeah, that would be great. Or send them to me personally, I'll add them either way.

Btw. how did you post this message, anything special about it? I got it as unapproved, maybe from spamhurdles, thats why I'm asking.

Thomas Seifert

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2011 01:37AM by Thomas Seifert.
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 19, 2011 02:24PM
I'm not sure why my post was held for moderation; I have had this thread open in a tab for a few days, that's the only thing I can think of (stale auth cookie?)

Skye Nott
Corvus Digital
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 20, 2011 08:26PM
Here's my patches. I'm running version 5.2.15a


1. Renamed lang/en.php to lang/english.php
2. Changed default to check IP and email (those seem to get the best result)
3. Added new "force_generic" option to show less helpful message. I do not want spammers to get any hint as to why they are being blocked (eg many spammers have a pool of IPs to use)
4. Added new "freq_min" option for finer control over blocking threshold. All checked fields frequency is added, if it is above this score it's considered spammy. Use value 1 for maximum blocking (like v0.1)
5. Fixed duplicate "check_email" URL arg which was supposed to be check_username

When checking by IP, some web proxies like * will cause a bunch of false positives, I recommend setting the score to >= 5 or even 10 if false positives are more important than the occasional spammer getting in.

Hopefully this won't be held for moderation again....

Skye Nott
Corvus Digital
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 22, 2011 01:49AM
stale spamhurdles post form data probably ;)

Thomas Seifert
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
December 22, 2011 01:52AM
Thanks for the patches. I'll try to review and release them in the next couple of days.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Module: StopForumSpam
January 10, 2012 03:20PM
New release uploaded with skye's changes.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Module: StopForumSpam (Preview)
January 12, 2012 01:06AM
Thomas Seifert
Btw. how did you post this message, anything special about it? I got it as unapproved, maybe from spamhurdles, thats why I'm asking.

That's a good hunch. I use the module "Moderated User Groups" to keep newbies in moderation, but sometimes an unmoderated users post will get held in queue. Then, the other night I fell asleep typing a message, and finished it in the morning and clicked Submit - and then MY post was labeled an Unapproved Message - and I'm the administrator (LOL!).

I'm running Spam Hurdles too, and now I think I am onto the problem.

Robert Angle
Phorum lover, nothing more.
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