Firefox PHP

Module: Forum Subscriptions

Posted by Joe Curia 
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions
March 01, 2010 08:12AM
First off, I'm glad you got this up and running without *too* many problems ;-P

Robert Angle
Is this the expected behavior? (everything is queued? and one post is processed per minute?)

Yes, that is the expected behavior, but I think I will change that a bit. I wrote this from a paranoid stand point, assuming every run would take minutes to complete. In actuality, even the heavy usage I've thrown at it hasn't taken too long. So I think I will build in a loop if the current cronjob is still running under a certain amount of time (say at least 30 seconds before the time limit).

Robert Angle
It isn't parsing my signature correctly though. It shows the link to the wordpress icon with the word "Ruminations" trailing the file name, as if it were part of the filename, making for a bad link. So I am going to disable signatures in the Forum Subscriptions module.

It is processing your signature through the stripped "plain_body" format which removes url's, bbcode, etc. In the future, later this year :-), I will try and tackle HTML emails which would allow for proper url and bbcode formating.

I have been hard at work on the vroot support and it is significantly changing the code. Look for a v5.2.1.01 later this week which will also include the feature requests above.

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions
March 01, 2010 08:23AM
Yeah, the bbcode is an issue. I changed it to %full_body% instead of %plain_body% because it was confusing if something was being quoted. In the emails the quoted material appears to be from the poster himself.

So now it is clearly marked with [quote] and [/quote] tags in the emails, but every other bbcode is showing up to now, which is annoying.

I would prefer that all bbcode be stripped but somehow make the quoted text obvious in the emails.

Robert Angle
Phorum lover, nothing more.
Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 03, 2010 11:30AM
I have completed v5.2.1.01 of this module with the following changes:

Bugfix: Fixed a bug ironically caused by the debugging system which could cause a queue to exceed the PHP memory limit while attempting to insert events into the event logging system.

Bugfix: Fixed a bug which could have caused messages in a digest to not be sorted by posting date/time.

Bugfix: Fixed a bug which could cause a user to receive multiple emails if they first subscribed to an individual forum, then subscribed to all of the forums.

Enhancement: If the cronjob mail queue is finished well before the time limit, the script will continue to the next queue rather than simply stopping and waiting for the next cronjob.

Enhancement: Added the option to only show forums to which a user is currently subscribed in the Control Center. Thanks go to Phorum user korsakov for suggesting this feature.

Enhancement: Added the ability to show subscriptions to forums in all vroots in the Control Center.

Enhancement: Added support for vroots. Thanks go to Phorum developer Thomas Seifert for pointing out this need.

Enhancement: Added support for potential future database changes.

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald

Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 03, 2010 02:15PM
Looks great, Joe! Thanks for your splendid work! - I am just wondering why I am not able to implement the subscription link on the index page. Do you have an idea? Thank you!
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 03, 2010 02:35PM
Depending on your template, here are a couple of specific examples.
Emerald (index_new.tpl)
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE index_new.tpl -->
<div class="nav">

<table cellspacing="0" class="list">
Simple Rounded (actions_menu.tpl):
<td class="PhorumNavRowItem"><a class="PhorumNavLink" href="{URL->FEED}">{LANG->RSS}</a></td>
<td class="PhorumNavRowItem"><a class="PhorumNavLink" href="{URL->FORUM_SUBSCRIPTION}">{FORUM_SUBSCRIPTION->SubscribeURLText}</a></td>
<td class="PhorumNavRowItem"><a class="PhorumNavLink" href="{URL->RECENT_MESSAGES}">{LANG->mod_recent_messages->RecentMessages}</a></td>

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 03, 2010 03:32PM
Thank you. I only get it to work on the list page. On the index page I don't have access to URL->FORUM_SUBSCRIPTION,
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 03, 2010 04:03PM
Hmm, are you seeing any errors in the Event Logging list? This module uses the page_index hook and should generate those two variables as long as you are not in a folder (unless that folder is a vroot).

So, if your current url is the variables will be there. If you are in a folder (eg. the variables will not be created unless that folder is the root of a vroot.

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 03, 2010 04:45PM
Upps ... I forgot to switch the underlying folder to vroot! Now it shows up. Thanks for the reminder!
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 04, 2010 06:33PM
korsakov, I think you are misunderstanding the function of this module. When a user subscribes to "All Forum" they will subscribe to all forums within all folders in the current vroot. So, if you do not use vroots, "All Forums" will mean both forums in this example:
Folder 1
----> Forum 1
Folder 2
----> Forum 2

For this reason, I have set the module to only show the "All Forums" subscription link while on the main page, not in the folders, not in the forums. In the forums, a "Subscribe to Forum" link will appear for the current forum. I did not want to confuse visitors into thinking that "All Forums" might only mean the forums in their current folder. Perhaps this is unnecessary though. I have rewritten the mod to show the "Subscribe to All Forums" on any index page (including folders).

Please redownload/install the module (at least the forum_subscriptions.php file) and you should be able to remove your vroot.

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: Module: Forum Subscriptions v5.2.1.01 - vroots, bugfixes, etc.
March 04, 2010 07:05PM
1 - Oh, I see. I wrongly assumed that users could subscribe to various folders (in my case to various US states).

2 - Wouldn't it be better to have an Opt-in option with:
Send emails of your own posts in forums to which you are subscribed:

3 - What do you think about indicating the current subscription status on the list and index pages?

PS: Btw, by switching a folder (or state) to vroot I accomplished that the "Recent Messages" module automatically showed the "recent" messages within this vroot folder (or state). Without setting it to "vroot" the module unfortunately displays all of them.

Again, great work! Thank you for your immediate help!!
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