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File Name File Size   Posted by Date 82.8 KB open | download Maurice Makaay 09/27/2016 Read message
google-maps-white-numbers.jpg 20.4 KB open | download Oliver Riesen-Mallmann 09/27/2016 Read message
google-maps-white-numbers-on-map.jpg 117.6 KB open | download Oliver Riesen-Mallmann 09/27/2016 Read message
map1.jpg 18.7 KB open | download gelbeseiten 01/06/2019 Read message
Module: Google Maps
August 20, 2007 05:08PM
Important: this module requires Phorum 5.2.16-RC2 or newer

This module implements Google Maps functionality in the user profile. The user can indicate in the control center where he/she lives and this location can be displayed to others on the profile viewing screen.

The module can also be used to plot all known user locations on a map. You will have to create a link to this user map yourself. See the package's README file for more information on this.


2016-09-27 v2.0.9 by Oliver Riesen-Mallmann <>

    - Fixed missing marker images. The module uses now locally
      stored images.

    - Switched to new "google-style" marker images.

    - TODO extended.

    - Fixed a malformed anchor tag introduced in previous version.

2016-08-31 v2.0.8 by Oliver Riesen-Mallmann <>

    - Made XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant.

    - Changed htmlspecialchars option from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES.

2011-04-11 v2.0.5 (Maurice Makaay)

    - Restored the functionality of searching for the user's location
      by writing a search string and hitting <enter>.

    - Fixed the use of a Phorum 5.3 API call in the code.
      Thanks go to Robert Angle for reporting the issue.

    - Extended the upgrade documentation, to note that 2.0.4 and up use
      new module templates, that the admin might have to copy to a
      customized module template.

    - Fixed the usermap addon for MSIE8 and before. The markers did not
      show up due to a javascript issue.

2011-04-01 v2.0.4 (Maurice Makaay)

    - Fixed a bug that caused the map in the control center to show
      the previous map state instead of the new one, after saving the
      data. The data was correctly stored, but the map did not show
      the new state.

    - Changed the module to present a separate "Location" panel,
      instead of putting the location map on the user data
      panel in the control center. The map interface is so big, that
      it deserves a separate panel.

2011-01-04 v2.0.3 (Maurice Makaay)

    - Applied a few small fixes to make the google_maps_user_info hook
      work correctly. There was a typo in the hook check and a Phorum 5.3
      API call was used. Thanks to korsakov for the notice.

2010-12-01 v2.0.2 (Maurice Makaay)

    - The {MOD_GOOGLE_MAPS} template variable is now setup correctly.

2010-10-26 v2.0.1 (Maurice Makaay)

    - Simplified the placement of maps inside pages, by making maps
      scale to their surrounding divs, instead of having to configure
      the size of the map on the various pages via template settings.

    - Fixed a few styling issues.

2010-10-26 v2.0.0 (Maurice Makaay)

    - A big rewrite to incorporate the Google Maps API version 3.
      Version 2 of the API has been officially deprecated by Google.

    - Streetview can now be used in the location configuration for a user.

    - Added a hook "google_maps_user_info" to the usermap. This hook can
      be used to modify the contents of the plotted data. Most noticeably,
      this hook can be used to change the contents of the info window
      for the marker.

    - Retrieving the country and city for the user location has been moved
      into the GUI front end. This cancels the requirement for supporting
      HTTP requests and the JSON PHP extension on the webserver.

    - When the browser supports it, then the user can make use of
      geolocation to automatically lookup the current location.

    - The Fluster2 library has been incorporated in the usermap addon.
      This library takes care of clustering markers on the map, which
      greatly improves the usability and performance of the map in case
      there are a lot of user locations to plot.

2010-10-20 v1.2.0 (Thomas Seifert)

    - Added retrieving the city and country of the user on saving their
      position. This makes it possible to show the city and/or country
      e.g. on the read page.
      (requires json_decode and a way to do remote access)

    - Dropped support for the (ancient) Real Names module for Phorum 5.1.

    - The display name is now used on the usermap, instead of the username.

    - Dutch translations were added by Maurice.

    - Some changes to make the module compatible with Phorum 5.3.

2008-11-22 v1.1.7

    - Fixed the PHP warning "Failed opening '' for inclusion".
      Thanks to Phorum user sheik (a.k.a. /\dam) for reporting
      the problem.

2008-11-01 v1.1.6

    - Fixed a problem in the usermap. The user API call for retrieving
      all users that have a location set was not using the correct
      arguments. Thanks for Bert Garcia for noticing the problem.

2008-02-11 v1.1.5

    - Fixed {/LOOP} to {/LOOP MOD_GOOGLE_MAPS_USERS} in the usermap
      template. This prevents a template warning when viewing the user map.

    - Fixed an undefined index warning in the usermap.
      Thanks to Oliver Riesen for the bug report and fix.

2008-01-04 v1.1.4

    - Cleaned up the language files a bit.

    - Created a work around in the code to be able to use HTML entities
      in the language strings that are used in JavaScript alert()s.
      Unfortunately, these do not allow direct use of HTML entities,
      causing them to show up verbatim.

2008-01-01 v1.1.3

    - Added a new language string "UserMapNoUsers" to be able to localize
      the usermap for cases where no user locations are available (yet).
      This language string is used in the new template file

    - The addon now makes use of the new phorum_output() function. This
      makes the output 5.2 compliant and it fixes a problem with the
      recent messages module link not being set (thanks to Berti for
      noticing the problem).

    - Moved german_sie.php to german.php to comply with the other language
      files and included language fixes (as proposed by Berti).

    - When unsetting the position of the map in the control center, it
      now resets to the exact state in which the admin module settings
      map is saved (center point, zoom level and map type).

    - A few changes were made in the code for compatibility with the
      application/xhtml+xml content type.

    - Fixed the info popup baloon position for the usermap (it was a
      bit too far to the right).

    - Added French translation. Thanks to!

2007-12-31 v1.1.2

    - Some semi-colons were missing in the JavaScript code,
      which could make it fail in a few occasions.

    - Improved the emerald usermap template and put the heading in the
      {HEADING} template variable instead of the usermap template.
      Also cleaned out the description, so it doesn't show on the
      addon usermap page (as proposed by Berti).

    - Removed the "default" template from the package. In 5.2 that has
      been replaced by "emerald".

2007-08-20 v1.1.1

    - Forgot to keep track of the install state for the module.
      Thanks to Thomas for noticing!

2007-08-20 v1.1.0

    - Made the module Phorum 5.2 compatible. It now uses the custom
      profile field API to create the custom profile field on the fly
      and the user API for building the addon map, showing the locations.
      of all users.

    - Straightened out some things in the module templates. The settings.tpl
      file is a real template file now.

2007-03-31 v1.0.6

    - The mapframe.php script always loaded the english language due
      to a bug. Thanks to regdos for finding the bug.

2007-03-29 v1.0.5

    - The previous bugfix introduced a different bug: saving profile data
      on any panel which does not contain the Google map clears the
      user's position. Thanks to cbob for finding the bug.

    - Fixed a newline representation bug in the alert message in case
      a location is not found based on a search string. This showed
      "\n" before. While I was at it, I changed the "\n" in the
      language code to "\r\n", which makes it more compatible with

    - Added language support (polish.php and polish_utf8.php).
      Thanks to regdos.

    - No user location map is shown in the profile anymore if no
      location was set by the user.

2007-03-13 v1.0.4

    - Fixed two bugs reported by regdos. These were the results of
      some major refactoring of the map tool, to make it easier to
      use from other pages than the module pages alone. Fixed are:
      - the not working location search;
      - the inability to unset the previoiusly selected location
        to fully clear the location in the control center of the user.

    - Included CMU versioning info. For more info see:

2007-02-26 v1.0.3

    - If a user saved some profile data on another control center page
      than the page on which the Google map was, then the location
      info would get lost. This bug is now fixed.
      Thanks to Bert Körn for reporting this problem.

    - Added language support (german_du.php).
      Also thanks to Bert Körn for this one.

    - Changed Stammgast -> Benutzer in the German language file and
      created a german_sie.php based on german_du.php.
      Please let me know if my German sucks ;-)

2007-01-29 v1.0.2

    - The iframe in the map viewer had a wrong id. Changed id "maptool"
      to "maptool_iframe". This had no repercussions on the active
      functionality of the module.

    - Implemented a user map, which plots all known user locations
      on a map. The URL to the addon is put in the template variable
      {URL->MOD_GOOGLE_MAPS_USERMAP}, so you can use that to add a
      link on your page to the user map.

    - Added support for displaying real names on the user map instead
      of usernames. For this to work, you should also have installed
      version 2.1.0 of the Real Name module.

2007-01-29 v1.0.1

    - Big code cleanup and a lot of changes for making the map tool easy
      to use from other Phorum modules, so they can implement geotagging
      anything in Phorum.

    - Changed the way in which the user interacts with the map. No marker
      is shown, unless the user clicks on the map to place the marker.
      After that, the marker can be moved by either clicking on a different
      location or by dragging and dropping the marker.

    - Since the map in the admin interface is only used for setting the
      start view for the map that the user gets when selecting a location,
      there was no use in showing a marker there. So I completely removed
      the marker from that interface.

    - All data is now saved when submitting a map. So map center, marker
      position, map type and zoom level are stored. Using this, the user
      can exactly configure how the map will be shown in the profile.

    - Made the module work correctly inside portable and embedded

    - Make use of the javascript constants G_...._MAP for handling
      the map types, so we won't run into problems with localized
      versions of the Google Map system.

2007-01-24 v1.0.0

    - Initial release

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce

Edited 25 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2016 07:17AM by Oliver Riesen-Mallmann.
open | download - (82.8 KB)
Re: Module: Google Maps
February 06, 2008 07:44PM

This is a cool module, gracias.

Quick question, does the Google maps api support putting up time zones?

Bert Garcia - When all you have is a keyboard
Re: Module: Google Maps
February 07, 2008 02:32AM
I don't remember ever seeing such thing in that API and I don't see it now.
See the API docs

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: Module: Google Maps
February 07, 2008 10:16AM
No, I don't see anything to superimpose timezones on the user map, though it would be a cool feature.

If you ever have the time to add functionality to this module, showing the avatar in the popup would be a nice addition. You can see an example over at Textpattern's Blogmap.

Thanks again.

Bert Garcia - When all you have is a keyboard
Re: Module: Google Maps
April 09, 2008 10:49AM
Hi Maurice,

I just installed version 1.1.5 and get the following error on the user map page (but map is showed):

Warning: main(): Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in
/phorum-5.2.7/mods/google_maps/addon/usermap.php on line 78

Line 78 is

include phorum_output('google_maps::usermap');

Any idea?


Using Phorum since 7/2000: (actual version 5.2.23)
Modules "Made in Germany" for version 5.2: Author_as_Sender, CarCost, Close_Topic, Conceal_Message_Timestamp,
Format_Email, Index_Structure, Mailing_List, Pervasive_Forum, Spritmonitor, Terms_of_Service and German_Language_Files_Package.
Re: Module: Google Maps
May 07, 2008 01:55AM
Hi Maurice,

for reconciling miscellaneous german language files please add the attached files (originally from the German Language Files Package) to the next version of your module. Please remove any german_sie.php or german_du.php from module language folder (if existent). Thanks.


[File removed]

Using Phorum since 7/2000: (actual version 5.2.23)
Modules "Made in Germany" for version 5.2: Author_as_Sender, CarCost, Close_Topic, Conceal_Message_Timestamp,
Format_Email, Index_Structure, Mailing_List, Pervasive_Forum, Spritmonitor, Terms_of_Service and German_Language_Files_Package.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2008 03:30PM by Oliver Riesen.
Re: Module: Google Maps
May 12, 2008 03:31PM
Hi Maurice,

according to structuring the language file and charset support I attach new german languages files in ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8. Please add them to the next release of your module.


(Files removed. Oliver)

Using Phorum since 7/2000: (actual version 5.2.23)
Modules "Made in Germany" for version 5.2: Author_as_Sender, CarCost, Close_Topic, Conceal_Message_Timestamp,
Format_Email, Index_Structure, Mailing_List, Pervasive_Forum, Spritmonitor, Terms_of_Service and German_Language_Files_Package.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2011 05:48AM by Oliver Riesen.
Re: Module: Google Maps
October 16, 2008 02:28PM

Here is a suggestion to improve this plugin: group markers if there are a lot of them. Google recommends a maximum of 200 markers on a map.
Here is a demo:

Would it be difficult to do this?

Cactus : []
Re: Module: Google Maps
October 16, 2008 02:32PM
That would be very nice to have. I have no idea how hard it is exactly. I have seen the way in which to present different content on different zoom levels in the maps API. I guess that the grouping is something that you have to do yourself in the code. That site is a nice example. We could try to figure out what they are doing and replicate the feature.

If there is somebody who has experience in the field, I'd be glad to hear in what ways we could improve the map performance.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: Module: Google Maps
July 10, 2009 03:51PM
Maurice Makaay
That would be very nice to have. I have no idea how hard it is exactly. I have seen the way in which to present different content on different zoom levels in the maps API. I guess that the grouping is something that you have to do yourself in the code. That site is a nice example. We could try to figure out what they are doing and replicate the feature.

If there is somebody who has experience in the field, I'd be glad to hear in what ways we could improve the map performance.

I may have found a way to do it:
But I don't know if this is compatible with your module?

Cactus : []
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