Firefox PHP

Module: Group Auto-Email

Posted by Joe Curia 
Re: Module: Group Auto-Email
January 15, 2010 08:42AM
Harry, please redownload v5.2.1.06 of this module and reupload it to your trouble forum (or at least the settings.php file in the module folder). I have added a debugging option to the settings page which you can enable. You should then see a series of log messages for each post that is sent from this module. Please export those log messages to a text file (Using the "Download events as" feature of the Event Logging module) and either post them here (scrubbed of personal identifiers) or upload them to your Control Center > My Files on this site and PM them to me.

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: Module: Group Auto-Email
January 15, 2010 09:15AM
Hi Joe
After some playing around last night I now seem to have everything working via the "Send mail through SMTP" route.
Would you say it is best to leave in this configuration or look to go back to built in system?
I will download and update as you suggest and keep an eye on things.
Thanks again for your support.
"Quote" Formatting
January 17, 2010 04:06PM
I have picked up a problem with email being sent out from Auto Group email. Anything put in side " xxx" when get to the email is viewed as �.
I am not too sure where the formatting problem lies but an image in show below.
Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks Harry

Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 17, 2010 06:09PM
Harry, I merged this into my Group Auto-Email module's thread. Please ask questions about modules (and templates) in the modules' threads so that the author can more easily learn of the problem. I will test this bug to see if I can reproduce it.

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 17, 2010 07:08PM
Hi Joe
Sorry about that and thanks for taking a look.
Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 17, 2010 08:54PM
Harry, I think we are running afoul of some kind of charset/encoding issue as I was not able to reproduce your error. Some things to check:
- Are you using the default group_autoemail/lang/english.php file or did you edit it (or are you using another language)? If you are not using the included English file, please try reuploading the default file without editing to see if the issue still occurs.

- Please check your MySQL database to ensure that you are using the same collation for your tables and fields (You can see this in phpMyAdmin if your host offers it) as is set in your {phorum_root}/include/db/config.php file (look for the line where the 'charset' is defined).

Joe Curia (aka Azumandias)
Modules: l0Admin Mass Email00000000l000000Automatic Time Zones000ll.l00000Enhanced Custom Profiles0.00Google Calendar0000l.l000000Post Previews
000000000Admin Security Suite000000000000Check Modules for Upgrades0000External Authentication000000Group Auto-Email00000.00000Private Message Alerts
000000000Attachment Download Counter0000Custom Attachment Icons000ll.ll00Favorite Forums000000.00000Highlighted Search Terms0000Self-Delete Posts Option
000000000Attachment Watermarks0l00000000Custom Language Database00l.l.0Forum Lockdown00000.00000Ignore Forums0000000000000Threaded Tree View
000000000Automatic Message Pruning00.llll.00Easy Color Scheme Manager0l.l00Forum Subscriptions0000lll000Moderated User Group
Templates:lGeneric Integration000000000 0000Simple Rounded000000 00000000Tabbed Emerald
Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 18, 2010 02:11AM
I don't think that the standard ASCII " character is used in there. Standard ASCII can never end up like that.
Instead, something like the fancy opening and closing quotes that for example MS Word uses might be used instead. Those are special characters, opposed to a basic " character. Also, these characters are especially prone to being transferred incorrectly, even within an UTF-8 environment.

Please check if this is possibly the case. Are you editing our message in a text editor, before pasting it in the module for sending? If yes, then try entering the message directly from within the browser or edit the text using a simple editor like Notepad and make sure that basic double quotes are used.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 18, 2010 04:52AM
Hi Joe and Maurice
I think what Maurice is saying is the error. This particuar message was cut from within an email in HTML format.
I can and should drop into notepad prior to pasting.
Is this an idea for a mod in as much as having an editor button that can covert anything pasted into the message box into plain text?
Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 18, 2010 11:35AM
That is not a good idea. "Plain text" ... is that "ASCII" or should special characters like ä and å still display as such? They are not plain text, but I bet one would want those to be kept intact if they are part of ones language charset.

This problem probably occurs at every spot where these special quotes are copied into a text area. I suspect that it would go wrong for posting messages, PMs and signatures as well. A solution would therefore lie more in the direction of a text filter that would remove all the "crap".
I did write some code that handles this kind of madness already for the 5.3 dev code. For those interested: phorum_api_charset_convert_to_utf8() in the include/api/charset.php file.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: "Quote" Formatting
January 18, 2010 12:19PM
Ok thanks Maurice understood.
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