Here are some simple rules, to keep the modules forum as useful as possible. We should try to make this forum as much a module repository as possible.
- Only post modules that are tested with Phorum 5.2 and have proven to be working.
- Use the subject "Module: module name" for posting a module. "New module X!" seems a good subject, but after a while it gets outdated and makes finding the module's thread harder.
- Use only one thread per module. If you have a new version, post it to the same thread-starter message with the files changed (its editable!).
- use the available info.txt fields: author, version, category shows the module far better in the list generated by these attributes ( [] )
- If you have questions about module development, use the Development forum instead.
- If you have questions about a module, then post it in the module's thread, not in a new thread.
Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog
linkedin profile
secret sauce
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2008 05:13PM by ts77.