Firefox PHP

ReCaPTCHA not working

Posted by ririprod 
ReCaPTCHA not working
August 17, 2012 09:00AM

I Have some trouble with Spam Hurdles 2.0.2. I 've try to active recaptcha with public/private key for my domains but it doesn't work. When make a reply form a post the captcha does'nt appear. Instead i' have this error message : An internal error occurred: 4C775B9022830.AB40543.28F0. When i try another type of cpatcha it's work. So how can i do to make recpatcha service work on my forum?

Can anyone help me?

Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
August 18, 2012 01:58AM
Always having that issue? Some posts in the web suggest that it could be some spurious issue:
If you still have this issue it might be that they changes their api or stuff which needs to be adapted in phorum.

Thomas Seifert
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
May 01, 2018 05:11AM
ReCaptcha V1 shut down 2018-03-31 and doesn't work on phorum anymore.

We need to update to ReCaptcha V2: []

How can we do this?

Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
May 04, 2018 01:14AM
I started to take a look at doing this on my site but got distracted by other issues.
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
May 07, 2018 07:12PM

Do you know how long we can expect module "spam hurdles" to be down???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2018 07:21PM by rickrich.
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
June 01, 2018 09:10PM
Same problem here, is there anybody forked / made it working?
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
August 02, 2018 05:14AM
I'm under constant spam attack on my phorum since reCaptcha v1 is depracated. I would really, really appreciate it someone who knew what they were doing would update the Spam Hurdles module to work with the current version of Google reCaptcha.

Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
August 09, 2018 02:28PM
For anyone capable of handling this, there appears to be code that can swap over on top of the spamhurdles recaptcha code to replace it with V2: []

If anyone has a go at this and gets it working, please post back here
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
October 21, 2018 07:05PM
bump... still nobody has a solution for this?
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
December 09, 2018 12:26PM
Yes, I think I am going to have to integrate Solvemedia into my site. It's monitized too.
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
April 16, 2019 09:04PM
Hello everyone.

I was able to get recaptcha 2 working on my site.

Just replace forum/mods/spamhurdles/captcha/class.captcha_recaptcha.php

with the file I've attached.

I've only tested it on my site so I can't promise it will work everywhere. You will still need to set up your captcha private/public keys as before (follow the instructions in the Spam Hurldes mod settings on your admin page).
For "What type of CAPTCHA?" select "Code, using the reCAPTCHA service"
open | download - class.captcha_recaptcha.php (2.6 KB)
Re: ReCaPTCHA not working
January 09, 2025 05:56AM
Xiphias, thank you so very much for your efforts and providing the file. I can say that it has worked for me on a Phorum site that I am helping to manage!

Again, thank you!
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