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Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 12, 2006 05:59PM
Hi everybody,

at first let me praise you for the nice piece of software Phorum is :) I found it really simple to use and to integrate into my site.

The last days I spent some time on integrating a Phorum installation into a WordPress site managed by me. The forum now displays surrounded by the WordPress layout and user management is integrated (I made Phorum use the WordPress user- and login-system).

I wrote up what I did on my blog: []

Some parts are quite hackish, if you have any suggestions on how to make this cleaner, I would appreciate any comments.

Perhaps some of you will find the info useful. Although it is about WP/Phorum integration, the technique can also be used for other Phorum-integration tasks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2006 10:32PM by brianlmoon.
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 12, 2006 11:47PM
Give these a shot. You will need to change the /phorum/dir to your Phorum dir.
function insert_phorum_user($user_id) {

    global $wpdb, $PHORUM;
    $time = time();
    $curr_dir = getcwd();
    define("PHORUM_ADMIN", 1);

    include_once "./common.php";
    $phorum_user = array(
        "user_id" => $user_id,
        "username" => $userdata->user_login,
        "password" => $userdata->user_pass,
        "password_temp" => "",
        "email" => $userdata->user_email,
        "hide_email" => 1,
        "active" => 1,
        "admin" => 0,
        "date_added" => $time,
        "date_last_active" => $time


function delete_phorum_user($user_id) {
    global $wpdb, $PHORUM;
    $curr_dir = getcwd();
    define("PHORUM_ADMIN", 1);

    include_once "./common.php";




Brian - Cowboy Ninja Coder - Personal Blog - Twitter
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 13, 2006 11:51AM
Looks nice, thanks ... I will try that asap ...
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 13, 2006 12:10PM
Looks nice, me interested. Please keep us updated.


^AU^ Assassins United
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 13, 2006 03:15PM
As for your style sheet, just use an external style sheet for Phorum like we do on this site. The default template is made for easy of customization for those that don't want to get down and dirty. You are beyond that I would say.

Brian - Cowboy Ninja Coder - Personal Blog - Twitter
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 14, 2006 08:54AM
Hi gloeglm,

it seems you have a layout-problem (with the wohnheim-site) when displayed on a 800x600 screen...
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 14, 2006 10:13AM
Yeah, its a bit messy, I should probably remove the sidebar - but who has 800x600 those days anyways ;)
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 14, 2006 10:19AM
heh, I can tell you that ...
9.28% of the visitors on my site, 12.10% of the visitors on use 800x600 ;).

Thomas Seifert
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 16, 2006 04:58AM
So do this integration work for a full 100%?


^AU^ Assassins United
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
January 16, 2006 05:00AM
What do you mean by "Work for a full 100%"?
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