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Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress

Posted by gloeglm 
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
June 20, 2006 12:27AM
Thanks Thomas,

I'll check that again tonight I am pretty sure i didn't set that in the admin, or is
it enabled by default?
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
June 20, 2006 07:14AM
I have double checked the forum settings now and "thighter security" is definately set to "no", so that doesn't seem to be it.

Is there anything else i should be looking for specifically ?
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
July 02, 2006 05:10AM
Hey Ben,

Double check your domain info. In WordPress General Options, the WordPress address (URI) should be set to the same scheme as the Phorum HTTP Path (in General Settings).

For example: if WordPress address (URI) equals "["]; and Phorum is installed in the directory "phorum", then HTTP Path needs to equal "[];.

If, however, you have WordPress address equal "["]; and HTTP Path equal "[]; then the first page will work with the login info, but any consecutive pages will not.


One Crayon :: :: Tagamac
WordPress-Phorum Bridge
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
July 02, 2006 05:25AM
Okay, I've got my first version of the WordPress-phorum bridge ready (attached to this message). This zip file includes: 1) revamped Phorum plugin, 2) revamped WordPress plugin, and 3) ReadMe file with step-by-step installation instructions.

It does NOT have template files or any instructions on how to fix template files up. That is still upcoming.

What's new:
- You only need to change one line in each file to customize for your website
- You (or others) can add/delete a user from either the admin or the frontend, and it will just work
- Lots more comments included to help people figure out what's going on if they want to code
- I located the primary issue with cookies, and outlined how to avoid it in the ReadMe

There may still be bugs. Please let me know if you discover any! Also, if you find something wrong/bad/could be better and change it, please let me know so I can repackage the file with your edits.

The next revision to this package I have planned is to include an edited version of the default Phorum template that will work out of the box with this bridge, and instructions on how to customize it to fit inside your WordPress template.

Lastly, although I'll try to remember to upload new versions here as I create them, you can always check for the most recent info and package.


One Crayon :: :: Tagamac
WordPress-Phorum Bridge

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2007 04:18AM by Beckism.
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
August 10, 2006 12:40PM
many thanks for this plugin. i have installed it on an existing phorum/wordpress site and it is working - to a point.

the problem i have is this:

users i create in the wordpress admin area are created in phorum.
users who register themselves via the wordpress register/login screens are not created in phorum.

i wonder if this has anything to do with this? :


Edit: With a little more testing, it turns out that you only need the "../" if you are adding users through the administrative backend. If they are adding themselves normally through the frontend, you just need to have the path to the forum from the WordPress base directory. There has got to be a better way to set things up to allow both sides to work (I'm thinking of writing a check to see if "wp-admin" is in the getcwd string, but can't do it tonight).

i wonder if anyone can suggest if i'm on the right lines and/or what i can do about it?
i'm not a programmer - just a clumsy hacker :) - and i know very little about coding.

second question: how would i add existing phorum users to a wordpress user database? is it as simple as exporting the users/password columns from the phorum DB table and importing back into the WP db table?

many thanks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2006 12:41PM by circuit.
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
August 15, 2006 06:14AM
Man, I managed to put Phorum into my wordpress site. But I can't seem to figure out why Phorum stays at the bottom of the page and not wrapped up in the main wordpress body. Can anyone please point out to me any suggestions to help me out on this one? Thanks in advance guys...

Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
August 15, 2006 08:07AM
Look at the page source or give an URL for someone else to have a look.

Without seeing the site I would say that you have an error in your wordpress template :)

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
August 15, 2006 12:29PM
If you are using CSS template and your forum is bigger than the space you allocate for your phorum that might cause it to be pushed down toward the bottom as well.

Chanh Ong
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
August 15, 2006 01:44PM
i'm getting the following error on my phorum index :(

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /tmp/tpl-default-header-toplevel_stage2-e03c0fc48610ccf042943009acdb3e3f.php on line 710
Re: Howto: Integrate Phorum and Wordpress
August 15, 2006 01:57PM
Then the template is broken. Possible by a missing {/IF} statement.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
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