Firefox PHP

On the date localization

Posted by Maksym 
On the date localization
March 17, 2004 09:03AM
From the thread,4656

The problem of the phorum date(s) localization.

First of all, I check the date format in "include/lang/my_language.php" file.
For example:
$PHORUM['long_date']=" j M. Y G:i";
$PHORUM['short_date']="d.m.Y G:i";

From the "[]; we can see, that the format character "M" means "Jan", "Feb",... and so on.
But in my language the textual representations of the months sound as "Sich", "Lut", etc. (The same problem with "F" format character.)

So, in the "include/format_functions.php" file I have modified the function phorum_date() for my language and for my settings in lang-file.

function phorum_date( $picture, $ts )
$ukr_months = array("ñ³÷","ëþò", "áåð", "êâ³ò", "òðàâ", "÷åðâ", "ëèï", "ñåðï", "âåð", "æîâò", "ëèñò", "ãðóä");
/*My local names for "M" in format characters of my_language.php*/

$eng_months = array("Jan","Fab", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Now", "Dec");
/*English names*/

Users can set english or default lang in the profile, not only my lang.
My lang is default, so I can use this instruction.
if($GLOBALS['PHORUM']['user']['user_language'] == "english") {$eng_months = $ukr_months;}


if(isset( $PHORUM["user"]["tz_offset"] ) ){

$ts += $PHORUM["user"]["tz_offset"] * 3600;

return str_replace( $eng_months, $ukr_months, gmdate( $picture, $ts ) );

} else {

$ts += $PHORUM["tz_offset"] * 3600;

return str_replace( $eng_months, $ukr_months, date( $picture, $ts ) );


Re: On the date localization
March 18, 2004 04:00PM
Hi Maksym,

thank you for your effort, and thank you for showing me, that I am not the only one to have thought, that something should be done about it. Maybe Thomas, Brian & Co will consider to give it a shot, too. But I well understand that there are bigger Nuts to krack right now...

I might have a solution aswell: what about using something like:

In each Lang File:

$local = "de" // for German
$local = "en" // for English

and what have you...

and then use
setlocal ("LC_TIME","$local")
in cobination with the date() function of PHP.
March 19, 2004 10:30AM
It is a great solution! Thank you.

Applying to the function phorum_date() your method, I get the following:

Modifications in lang file:

$local = "UK"; // Set your own location, of course
// See []

$PHORUM['long_date']=" %d %b %Y, %H:%M";
$PHORUM['short_date']="%d.%m.%y %H:%M";
// See format string []

And the function itself:

function phorum_date( $picture, $ts )
setlocale(LC_TIME, $local);


if(isset( $PHORUM["user"]["tz_offset"] ) ){

$ts += $PHORUM["user"]["tz_offset"] * 3600;

return gmstrftime( $picture, $ts );

} else {

$ts += $PHORUM["tz_offset"] * 3600;

return strftime( $picture, $ts );



Great ?
March 21, 2004 05:35AM
Well done Maksym !

Remains only one Question is it great enough to be recognised as part of the offical code ?

Re: On the date localization
March 21, 2004 03:08PM
Its now in the 5.0.4-release. Thanks for the hint.
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