Firefox PHP

New French translation 5.2.7

Posted by webinn 
All files from this thread

File Name File Size   Posted by Date  
French - UTF-8 - 5.2.7.php 38.3 KB open | download webinn 07/27/2008 Read message
french1.php 38.4 KB open | download Irene.Guessarian 10/07/2008 Read message
french2.php 39.6 KB open | download Irene.Guessarian 10/07/2008 Read message
New French translation 5.2.7
July 27, 2008 06:38AM
Updated translation into French for the 5.2.7 branch is attached

27.07.08 Initial release
27.07.08 Used wrong charset.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2008 06:55AM by webinn.
open | download - French - UTF-8 - 5.2.7.php (38.3 KB)
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
July 27, 2008 07:36AM
Two questions:

Why posted in the 5.1 language file forum and not the 5.2 one?
What's wrong with the already existing 5.2 French translation?

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 07:33AM

I just did a forum for my students - and some demand french
I dutifully copied both versions of french.php (ISO and UTF) in include/lang
with the intention of trying them both - to check for accents and all the mess
we have in french: unfortunately none works and I get
twice a proposal of english in the admin menu

***so what should I put and where *** to solve the problem ?

Incidentally, I don't care about doing the administration in english
it's just that some purists (or non linguists) would like to see
Liste instead of List, etc...

thanks for your attention
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 08:26AM
If I put the language file from this thread in the include/lang folder of Phorum, I get "Francais (iso-8859-1)" as a choice (although the language file seems to be in utf-8, so there's some mixing up going on in this one). Did you use this one or French language files from the 5.2 language forum?

BTW: For a French 5.2 install, stick with the UTF-8 version of the language file. ISO-8859-1 would only be needed for backward compatibility with old installs. The recent Phorum versions all use UTF-8 at install time as the default.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 09:41AM
many thanks for so quick reply
actually here are 2 the 3 files I tried in include/lang
and no much happens (I even tried to update language in the menu)

except that with the last trial (French - UTF-8 - 5.2.7.php (38.3 KB) )
I got 2 english language proposals in menu, and now I can no longer log in
as admin (get a blank page)...
open | download - french1.php (38.4 KB)
open | download - french2.php (39.6 KB)
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 09:46AM
When I try those two files, I can see them fine in the admin as "French (France)" and "French (France) UTF-8". So they seem okay to me. What version of Phorum are you running? (since you are posting this in the 5.1 language forum).

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 11:13AM
Maurice Makaay
So they seem okay to me. What version of Phorum are you running? (since you are posting this in the 5.1 language forum).

I am running Phorum 5.2.8 (which we downloaded just yesterday BTW it is just great
but I must have done something stupid when trying this language thing
because now even my index.php gives me a blank page (but the subsections are still accessible)

the forum is located at

i.e. the file is


however I assume that I should somewhere tell the program to use the french.php file ...
but where ?
and I am just wondering about this blank page now ...
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 12:13PM
Putting the language files in include/lang/ is enough. Phorum will recognize them in the admin interface, where you can choose them for setting the language. Use the UTF-8, as discussed before, since you are running a new version of Phorum.

When I go to your site, it looks like good French to me. Did you solve your problem already? Or do you still get white pages when visiting the forum yourself?

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 01:19PM
Maurice Makaay

When I go to your site, it looks like good French to me. Did you solve your problem already? Or do you still get white pages when visiting the forum yourself?

well thanks again - I solved it partially (I had forgotten to allow read and execute for the french.php file
whence the white pages); however,
I solved PARTIALLY only, because in the general forum the interface is in french, but in the subsections
(there are different sections for different students or subjects), the interface is in french

so I should say somewhere to use french also in the subsections
but where??

thanks for help so far ;

also there was a small problem in the cache setting - but it does not prevent anything from working,
but since I am lucky enough to have you answering, ~I just submit the problem : there is a message BAD REQUEST
whenever I do a submit for general settings
and the message is (but I have no problem using the forum)

Sanity check failed
There might be a problem in Phorum's caching system. Storing and retrieving a dummy key failed. If you experience problems with your Phorum installation, it might be because of this.

Possible solution:

As a work around, you can disable the caching facilities in the admin interface (note: this will not remove this warning; it will only keep you out of troubles by making sure that the caching system is not used). Please contact the Phorum developers to find out what the problem is.
Re: New French translation 5.2.7
October 07, 2008 01:36PM
Maurice Makaay

When I go to your site, it looks like good French to me. Did you solve your problem already? Or do you still get white pages when visiting the forum yourself?

wonderful - everything works ; ~i am not sure how but everything is in french now : so students should be OK
a thousand thanks for the help
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