Firefox PHP

New Count module

Posted by Panu 
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
November 09, 2004 05:08AM
Borys Wrote:
> Hi....
> How does $langs[$langkey]['single'] (/ multiple)
> works? Where should i add something (possibly to
> lang file) to use this feature?

This mod doesn't have lang file (yet?) But it means that the single variable holds singular for new and multiple for plural of new.

so for example german (I assume that the language name is "german" in phorum settings and my german is really weak so I'm only quessing that german has plural for "new"...)

$langs = array("german" =>array( "single"=>"Neue", "multiple"=>"Neues"));
If you want to support many languages instead of replacing finnish (like I did here) add more languages to that array.

Hope this asnwered your question.

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
November 09, 2004 11:27AM
Ok. but where should I add theese entries for singular and for plural name for "new"? to the language file? or hack the new_count.php?


p.s. thanks for quick answer :)
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
November 10, 2004 08:48AM
The code to be hacked is in the module itself (new_count.php)

So my previous example...

$langs = array("german" =>array("single"=>"Neue", "multiple"=>"Neues"));


$langs = array("german" =>array("single"=>"Neue", "multiple"=>"Neues"), "finnish" =>array("single"=>"uusi", "multiple"=>"uutta"));

If you would like to add finnish.

Note that if you don't hack the code you get the default "new" for your selected language (the same string for singular & plural)

-=[ Panu ]=-
Counts still wrong
January 13, 2005 11:55AM
When all the messages in a thread are unread, it appears to show the correct number, but when only some are read, it either shows an incorrect number or just "new" with no number.
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 13, 2005 12:54PM
Hmm, works for me? Are you using the latest version?

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 13, 2005 04:56PM
Creating a language file is really easy, you should consider doing it. It'll also handle upgrades to the module much better then hacking the module code will.
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 13, 2005 05:11PM
Well I have already done it, haven't just uploaded it yet.

I thought that I implement new-notification in read-page before releasing, but now when that's going to be in v. 5.1 I don't have to. So I'll propably upload it tomorrow.

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 14, 2005 09:07AM
Assuming 1.5 is the latest version, yes.
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 14, 2005 12:09PM
Well that's the still unreleased version... :) 1.4 is the latest I have uploaded.

but anyway can you give the following information:

what are the Thread Override fileds saying in your profile?

I only get "new" when threaded view is selected.

If threaded view is used it returns the messages untouched. I have to double check mixed threaded/list/read case.

But anyway the counts should be correct assuming Phorum is reporting them correctly.

Can you attach a screenshot showing the bug?

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 14, 2005 06:35PM
new version...

added support for Phorums module localisation feature add fixed some cosmetic things.

Thread new message counting error not fixed because I'm not able to reproduce it.

-=[ Panu ]=-
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