Firefox PHP

New Count module

Posted by Panu 
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
May 05, 2005 10:41AM
I keep getting these errors when I'm using one template:

Warning: array_diff(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/wtower/public_html/phorum/mods/new_count/new_count.php on line 39

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wtower/public_html/phorum/mods/new_count/new_count.php on line 44
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
May 10, 2005 02:07PM
tkt Wrote:
> Two possible solutions (with polish translation
> files) in attachments
> (The 1st looks, maybe, more universal, but when
> I've written it I saw, that something like the 2nd
> one would be better)

Wersja 1 za cholere nie dzia³a po polsku.

Ale w sumie ³adnie zrobione gratuluje

Tomasz Regdos ::
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
May 12, 2005 06:29PM
Added total new messages in all threads by CBiLL's request.

Localisation of it kind of sucks, but modules lang-string wasn't visible to list-template for some reason so I had to parse the whole sucker in the module,

Works for me, but if you have read all messages in this thread, you can see there has been some weird errors...

-=[ Panu ]=-
open | download - (2.6 KB)
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
December 15, 2005 12:00AM
I have made some changes to this code. It addresses a couple of issues that Panu had. In addition, it add a total new thread count and adds the total posts and threads to the index.php page as well.

Brian - Cowboy Ninja Coder - Personal Blog - Twitter

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2005 08:19AM by brianlmoon.

open | download - new_count-1.8.1.tar.gz (2.2 KB)
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
December 15, 2005 04:40AM
blm, do you have a screenshot of how this looks like?

Thomas Seifert
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 22, 2006 03:54PM
I added a couple of features too and restructured the information for the module a bit. Here's the changelog and the 1.9 version of the module.
    Added a settings screen so now users of this module can choose to
    either show the totals automatically in the header or hack the
    templates to exactly show it where they like it to be.

    Another setting has been added to configure if the totals for
    the index and list pages should be displayed in case no new
    messages are available. Hiding was the default behaviour in the
    previous versions.

    Displaying of forum totals for the list view now also works when in
    threaded view.

    Migrated information about the module from the module code
    to a README and Changelog file.

    Added a new localization option, so languages that use multiple
    plural words can set them in the language strings (you can now
    define the default new_count_single and new_count_multiple, but
    also new_count_2, new_count_3, etc.).

    Added a Dutch translation for the module.
While testing this module, I did find another issue:
Announcements + replies to announcements are counted as a new message for every forum in the folder the announcement is in. So if you have 5 forums and post a new announcement, the new message count will be 5. The same way like Phorum will add a new flag to each forum in this case. The new flag isn't a real problem I think, but it would be good if the new count would at least be 1. This is probably something that has to be fixed in the Phorum db-layers.

Edit: attachments deleted, because a new version was released.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2007 06:23AM by mmakaay.
Re: New message count next to "new" in list view
January 24, 2006 05:03PM
Great work B&M. The once hacky module is starting to look like a real polished piece of software :)

Only downside is the extra db hit with the latest version. (maybe it is as efficient as the previous way of calculating a little bit less tho)

-=[ Panu ]=-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2006 05:05PM by Panu.
Re: New message count for future version 5.2
April 21, 2006 11:03AM

here is a new version which will work with the actual snapshot and with the future version 5.2 of Phorum. ATTENTION: this module version will not work with Phorum 5.1.x!

Message and thread count values are now formatted by the Phorum core so this module is calculating a wrong total because of the thousands separator.

The new version correct this error and format also the total with the separators given in the language file.

HTML-error reported by Chanh Ong is fixed also.


[Attachement removed. New version available]

Using Phorum since 7/2000: (actual version 5.2.23)
Modules "Made in Germany" for version 5.2: Author_as_Sender, CarCost, Close_Topic, Conceal_Message_Timestamp,
Format_Email, Index_Structure, Mailing_List, Pervasive_Forum, Spritmonitor, Terms_of_Service and German_Language_Files_Package.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2006 09:53AM by Oliver Riesen.
Re: New message count for future version 5.2
June 11, 2006 11:42PM
New count module fixes!

I tried to validate my site with the html validation service and found out there were a few error in the new_count.php

Missing ";" in new_count.php
line 128: '&nbsp;<span class="PhorumNewFlag">' .
'</span>&nbsp;' .
$PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["new_count_total_new_threads"] .
line 132: '&nbsp;<span class="PhorumNewFlag">' .

Chanh Ong
Re: New message count for future version 5.2
August 24, 2006 09:00AM
Here's a followup release for version 1.9.2. This version can be used safely with both the stable Phorum 5.1 release and the current Phorum 5.2 development tree.

1.10 PHP warnings were shown in case there was a "thread moved" notification
in the forum. These notifications are now skipped when counting new
messages for the message list.

Modified the module, so now it will work for both Phorum 5.1 and 5.2.

Removed the need for the common hook in the code (it was used for
setting up some data to prevent undefined index warnings later on,
but this could be handled more gracefully).

Note to Oliver: If you extend on a module, please leave the Changelog and README files intact. Your 1.9.2 package did not contain these files anymore. Especially the README is useful for this module, because it contains installation and customization information. Thanks!

Edit: attachments deleted, because a new version was released.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2007 06:23AM by mmakaay.
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