Firefox PHP

Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!

Posted by Brian Moon 
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
January 20, 2006 07:10PM
hmm, I'm using that module in 5.1.3. don't remember exactly what I did but I think it was only a template change to get back the old p5.0 behaviour.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
January 23, 2006 10:09AM

Is there any chance you've remembered what you did here ? I can't see a way to do it with the templates. Did you maybe change thread_sort.php ?

Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
January 23, 2006 10:51AM
in templates


you need replace

{ROWS->indent_cnt} on {ROWS->indent}

{MESSAGES->indent_cnt} on {MESSAGES->indent}

Next way to patch treeview.php


87   }
88       }


87   }
88   $messages[$key]["indent_cnt"]=$messages[$key]["indent"];
89       }

Yuri Abramenkov
Yuri, i can't patch by your solution :(
January 23, 2006 11:43AM
list_threads.tpl replace {ROWS->indent_cnt} to {ROWS->indent}

read_threads.tpl replace {MESSAGES->indent_cnt} to {MESSAGES->indent}

patch treeview.php add row between 87^88: $messages[$key]["indent_cnt"]=$messages[$key]["indent"];

Yuri, i've tried, but without good result.
i think ident undefined, because i've got this picture:

Alexander Medentsev. Moscow. Russia.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2006 11:48AM by AlexSHO.
Me too...
January 23, 2006 11:47AM
I get this...

Re: Yuri, i can't patch by your solution :(
January 23, 2006 11:51AM
the corresponding line in list_threads.tpl looks for me like the following:
    <td class="PhorumTableRow<?php echo $rclass;?>">{ROWS->indent}{IF ROWS->sort PHORUM_SORT_STICKY}<span class="PhorumListSubjPrefix">{LANG->Sticky}:&nbsp;</span>{/IF}{IF ROWS->sort PHORUM_SORT_ANNOUNCEMENT}<span class="PhorumListSubjPrefix">{LANG->Announcement}:&nbsp;</span>{/IF}{IF ROWS->moved}<span class="PhorumListSubjPrefix">{LANG->MovedSubject}:&nbsp;</span>{/IF}<a href="{ROWS->url}">{ROWS->subject}</a>&nbsp;<span class="PhorumNewFlag">{ROWS->new}</span></td>
{IF VIEWCOUNT_COLUMN}        <td class="PhorumTableRow<?php echo $rclass;?>" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">{ROWS->viewcount}</td>{/IF}

replacing the code there like before doesn't really help as its on a different place ;).

Thomas Seifert
Re: Yuri, i can't patch by your solution :(
January 23, 2006 11:51AM

Oh sorry :)

you need replace in list_threads.tpl

style="padding-left: {ROWS->indent_cnt}px">{marker}

and in read_threads.tpl

style="padding-left: {MESSAGES->indent_cnt}px">{marker}

Yuri Abramenkov

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2006 12:19PM by joys.
Re: Yuri, i can't patch by your solution :(
February 01, 2006 08:17PM
That works with Firefox, but IE goes crazy (even with the mod switched off). Do you have it working in IE as well ?
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
February 22, 2006 10:39PM
I have updated this package with new instructions and removed the need to move the images to the images dir.

Brian - Cowboy Ninja Coder - Personal Blog - Twitter
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
February 23, 2006 07:41PM
What tree ? It simply doesn't work like that -> []
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