Firefox PHP

Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!

Posted by Brian Moon 
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 24, 2004 02:59AM

irob Wrote:
> Yes, and this is why phorum have become so famous.
> You have such a great overview whats going on in a
> discussion and so on. And now with phorum5, I do
> not see any thread-trees.

maybe it's not my week, but, are you talking about the Treeview of Threads like here
--> [] (list view)
-->[] (message view)

If yes, then you can change the default value in the Adminarea and each registered user can set it in their profile.

Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 24, 2004 03:45AM

Hi mt,

mt Wrote:

> maybe it's not my week, but, are you talking about
> the Treeview of Threads like here
> --> (list view)
> and
> --> (message view)
> ?

Yesss, your examples look much better now. :-) Argh, where are all the nice "lines"?

It would be perfect, if there will be also a treeview like these here:




phorum3 had such a wonderful threaded view (treeview). You re able to follow the fiber within a discussion and you do not lose the plot.

I would like to have phorum5 with the same style of treeview like it was with phorum3 before. Do I have any chance? :-)

> If yes, then you can change the default value in
> the Adminarea and each registered user can set it
> in their profile.

Yes, I did that with the file of Brian and in the phorum-admin under modules, I also activate it. But nothing happened.

thank you
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 24, 2004 04:17AM
No, the module is just there to create the tree-view like in phorum3. you still need to enable threaded view in the admin for *each forum*!

Thomas Seifert
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 25, 2004 02:48AM
Hi D-rex,

D-rex Wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> list_threads.tpl
> ADD <table cellspacing="0"
> cellpadding="0" border="0><tr><td>
> between <td class="PhorumTableRow<?php
> echo $rclass;?>">
> and {ROWS->indent}

= correct, but:

> </td></tr></table></td>
> between {ROWS->new}</span>

There is something wrong. You forgot, that there exist already _one_ </td>-tag behind the "{ROWS->new}</span>"

See the original-file:

line 43 and 44

<span class="PhorumNewFlag">{ROWS->new}</span></td>


Note: look at the already existing "</td>" in line 43.

So, if you add a "</td></tr></table></td>" _between_ it...

What's the right one version now? Do I have to delete this </td> in your explanation? Or do I have to delete the </td> in the original-file at line 43? Or do I have to have just both </td> in it?

thank you.
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 25, 2004 03:09AM
D-rex Wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> read_threads.tpl
> </td></tr></table></td>
> between ({LANG->UnapprovedMessage}){/IF}

Same is also here with read_threads.tpl. Have a look at line 83. There is _already_ existing _one_ </td>

> between ({LANG->UnapprovedMessage}){/IF}

{IF MESSAGES->is_unapproved} ({LANG->UnapprovedMessage}){/IF}</td>

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2004 03:10AM by irob.
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 25, 2004 03:24AM
Lucideye Wrote:
> The second thing is, if you want to remove the
> gaps between the the images, REMOVE ALL
> '&nbsp;' IN treeview.php.

Thats not correct.

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';' in /usr/home/myusername/forum/mods/treeview/treeview.php on line 67

example line 67

BEFORE (Originalversion after downloading)

You said, that only this "&nbsp;" should be removed. This would be

AFTER (Lucideye's version)

I think, this is the right one version:

AFTER (irob's version)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2004 03:32AM by irob.
Screenshoot of Brian and Brian's update
November 25, 2004 03:52AM
ok, and here comes the result of your ideas to update the threadview: (see the attachment as .gif-files)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2004 06:39AM by irob.

Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
November 25, 2004 03:56AM
ts77 Wrote:
> No, the module is just there to create the
> tree-view like in phorum3. you still need to
> enable threaded view in the admin for *each
> forum*!

I got it, yep. Thank you.

Do you have an idea, what I must do that this threaded view can be done as the default? A new user would get then first the threaded view before he is able to change to another view? Hmm? Thank you.
something presses the subject (nowrap missing?)
November 25, 2004 04:10AM
look here in this 3rd screenshoot below.
something presses the subject.

I think, there is "nowrap" missing in the <td>. :-(

Re: something presses the subject (nowrap missing?)
November 25, 2004 04:15AM
here is the html-source in the view of a visitor's browser. The

Re: testwithonewordinsubjectline

has no <br>-tag like a


<td class="PhorumTableRowAlt"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0><tr><td><img src="images/t.gif" width="12" height="21" border="0"></td><td><img src="images/m.gif" width="9" height="21" border="0"></td><td><a href="/forum/read.php?1,12,13#msg-13">Re: testwithonewordinsubjectline</a>&nbsp;<span class="PhorumNewFlag"></span></td></tr></table></td>
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