Firefox PHP

Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!

Posted by Brian Moon 
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
August 07, 2006 01:22PM
Ulf Dunkel
Wouldn't it be nice to have the treeview stuff implemented as a base module in Phorum 5 finally?

If it was cleaned up a little with admin sized images for example it would be perfect...

Sometimes it just takes somebody to take the lead. Why don't you two just stick your heads together and issue an Classical-Treeview-Template-Set. It shouldn't be hard for knowledgeable guys like you.
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
August 07, 2006 03:30PM
Sometimes it just takes somebody to take the lead. Why don't you two just stick your heads together and issue an Classical-Treeview-Template-Set. It shouldn't be hard for knowledgeable guys like you.

Well I have had plans (before Brian informed about the next gen template) to make my own template (tm) :) for years (since 5beta) but real world issues like 3 under 4 year old kids have limited my time to do much.

Either I should ask some tips for the kids from Brian or few hours less sleep during night time (hanging on a thread alredy...)

So thank you for your kind words but even if want to I'm just not able at the moment. I'm more than willing to help and test or give some opinions even if that is considered helpful.

I may check the current state of the template as it is and maybe change the default template as needed so the template can be shipped with the mod for example. I'm sure Ulf is cabable of doing that too.

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
October 01, 2006 11:54AM
I am using treeview on eugenol_5-1-8 template []

Please help, what I need to change to remove lines and gaps?


My test site is here []
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
October 01, 2006 02:10PM
If you read and follow this enitre thread you can remove the gaps. Just make sure you are not logged in as admin or a mod. Mods and admins will never see the tree lines without gaps.

Michael Horton
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
February 06, 2007 07:46PM

these are my modified default

Beside the usual required modifications there's a special modification in the list_threads.tpl file which keeps the nice treeview look even for admins by replacing the written admin links "delete", "move" and "merge" into "x, -> and -><- signs in one line back again. The written words are not completely deleted but moved into title options of the referring links, so they appear when hovering over the admin links.

<               <a class="PhorumListModLink" href="javascript:if(window.confirm('{LANG->ConfirmDeleteMessage}')) window.location='{ROWS->delete_url1}';">{LANG->DeleteMessage}</a>
>               <a class="PhorumListModLink" href="javascript:if(window.confirm('{LANG->ConfirmDeleteMessage}')) window.location='{ROWS->delete_url1}';" title="{LANG->DeleteMessage}">x</a>
<               <a class="PhorumListModLink" href="javascript:if(window.confirm('{LANG->ConfirmDeleteThread}')) window.location='{ROWS->delete_url2}';">{LANG->DeleteThread}</a>{IF ROWS->move_url}&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a class="PhorumListModLink" href="{ROWS->move_url}">{LANG->MoveThread}</a>{/IF}&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a class="PhorumListModLink" href="{ROWS->merge_url}">{LANG->MergeThread}</a>{/IF}
>               <a class="PhorumListModLink" href="javascript:if(window.confirm('{LANG->ConfirmDeleteThread}')) window.location='{ROWS->delete_url2}';" title="{LANG->DeleteThread}">x</a>{IF ROWS->move_url}&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a class="PhorumListModLink" href="{ROWS->move_url}" title="{LANG->MoveThread}">-&gt;</a>{/IF}&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a class="PhorumListModLink" href="{ROWS->merge_url}" title="{LANG->MergeThread}">-&gt;&lt;-</a>{/IF}


open | download - default_diff4treeview4adminview.tar.gz (4.3 KB)
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
March 14, 2007 10:35AM
Hi, I have been reading the messages re: this Tree Threading, after installing the MOD, it took me a couple of hours to fix the issue of gaps showing, but its all sorted, & looks cool.

What I would like to know, the images used for the tree, is there any chance of having a slightly larger version of these, as they show up as real small. I've tried making larger images, but it screws up the whole page. Even if some1 could let me know how to fix the alignment sizes, with larger images, would be helpful.

Also, quite some time back, "D-rex" metioned about using alternating colours in his forum, that is what I would like to do for my Forum, he mentioned he fixed it, but I haven't been able to find any information on how he did that. I've been playing with the settings in some of the *.tpl files, in the Templates folder, to see if I can set it myself, but all I have been able to do is edit the thread colours, not the individual posted message colours. I would be grateful if some help could with this, or even a clue as to which file (there are lots of them).

I am fairly new to PHP & Forum/Phorum Design, so any help is grately appreciated.

Fangs that bite!

Alternating Background in Thread & Message Views

Tree lines like Phorum 3 (by BrianLMoon) --- My working update

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2007 01:49AM by Snake.

Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
March 16, 2007 10:37PM
I still haven't sorted any new images yet, the issue with the gaps in User Mode was simple. However, the Admin/Moderate Threaded Mode was tricky.

Goto your "include/lang/english.php" file, then do this:

rename these
"DeleteThread" => "Delete Thread",
"MergeThread" => "Merge Thread",
"MoveThread" => "Move Thread",
"DeleteThread" => "Delete",
"MergeThread" => "Merge",
"MoveThread" => "Move",

Once these are renamed, save your file, clear the cache, refresh your page. They will now ALL show up on 1 line, NO GAPS, fixed.

It's like almost 3am here, if you need the full info on how I set mine, I will post that when asked.

Fangs that bite!

Alternating Background in Thread & Message Views

Tree lines like Phorum 3 (by BrianLMoon) --- My working update
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
March 17, 2007 08:51PM
OK, I'm in the middle of testing my forum, prior to compiling an archive of the files that make this work true (on user & admin/moderator accounts).

As soon as all the tests are complete, I will upload a .zip file for those wanting to update.

P.S. I know some people have uploaded archives in tar.gz file format, I have no idea what program uses that, so mine will only be .zip


OK, after my Test Server crashed, rebuild & even more testing, it's finally finished. I have tested the Treeview Forum MOD with Multiple Messages, Users, & Forums, and it all seems to work, all lined up correctly, WITHOUT ANY GAPS.


Fangs that bite!

Alternating Background in Thread & Message Views

Tree lines like Phorum 3 (by BrianLMoon) --- My working update

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2007 10:08PM by Snake.
open | download - (7.5 KB)
Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
March 26, 2007 05:04PM
I was looking at the lafcpug phorum, and under IE7, as a general user, I see gaps in the vertical lines.. I've experienced this type of thing on many sites I've developed that have to have lines spanning columns. Different browsers do different things when given the same instruction and it's terribly annoying...
here's how I've solved it...
instead of using normal images within the tabledata, you have to make the lines the table background image... the browser will extend this properly based on the proper instruction.
so, for example...
<td class="PhorumTableRowAlt"0px">
 <img src="mods/treeview/images/t.gif" width="12" height="21" border="0" />
  <img src="mods/treeview/images/c.gif" width="9" height="21" border="0" >&nbsp;
  <a href="[];
   Re: Shake Basics</a>&nbsp;
  <span class="PhorumNewFlag"></span>
should be:
<td class="PhorumTableRowAlt"0px" background="mods/treeview/images/i.gif" style="background-repeat:repeat-y">
 <img src="mods/treeview/images/t.gif" width="12" height="21" border="0" />
  <img src="mods/treeview/images/c.gif" width="9" height="21" border="0" >&nbsp;
  <a href="[];
   Re: Shake Basics</a>&nbsp;
  <span class="PhorumNewFlag"></span>

the only difference is that we're specifying a background image which is the vertical bar, so it will extend past the gaps should the browser decide to stick some space in their (often it will render a font slightly larger than you planned, and that's where you get a pixel or 2 gap.

to save bandwidth, and hastle, it would make more sense to use CSS to solve this problem and have a class you use for the td which has the background image/background repeat in it.

for alternating rows, the TR should have a class which specifies the row color, which should cascade down to the td's so you can add a subclass to the td's

so, I've attached a couple pics.. one that shows your site with the spaces as I see them in IE7, and another with some quickie mods with IMHO, better use of CSS.
.treecontinue1 {
	background-image:url(Phorum  Shake 4_1_files/i1.gif);
        <TR class=PhorumTableRowAlt>
          <TD class="treecontinue1"><IMG height=21 
            src="Phorum%20%20Shake%204_1_files/transpixel.gif" width=12 border=0 /><IMG 
            height=21 src="Phorum%20%20Shake%204_1_files/l.gif" width=12 
            border=0 /><IMG height=21 src="Phorum%20%20Shake%204_1_files/m.gif" 
            width=9 border=0 />&nbsp; <A 
            Compression in fileout nodes</A>&nbsp;<SPAN 
            class=PhorumNewFlag></SPAN> </TD>
note, the class phorumtablerowalt, was moved up to the TR, so you dont need it in each column...this is a waste of bandwidth. now we can use additional classes in the TD.
in this case, treecontinue1, sets the background of i1.gif (this is i.gif with an additional 5 pixels on the lefthand side, to adjust for the left padding).

to deal with the corners, you'd need to make additional background images and associated css styles which dont 'repeat-y' but are just a few pixels in lengths to fill in any potential top gap.
there should be treecontinue2, which has 2 vertical bars, etc...
so, you just specify the right class for the td depending on what's going on in that frame, then simply use one transparent gif to push the + and corners and end pieces into the right position.

I'm not currently using this mod, although I'd like to, I just dont have time to get all this done at the moment, otherwise, I'd have just modified and posted an updated version, but I think this should be enough for someone to move forward.

Files included:
Pic with spaces.
pic with spaces fixed on the left vertical bar.
new i1.gif with the vertical bar scooted over 5 pixels
(NOTE: i1.gif is only a pixel or 2 tall, since the browser will repeat the image, there's no need to have the file any larger than necessary.--ideally for bandwidth savings, it should be exactly 1 pixel tall.--it also doesn't need any of the transparent pixels on the right so this could be trimmed even more)

Re: Tree lines like Phorum 3 module!
March 26, 2007 05:33PM
Thanks for the feedback on how you made your own edit.

With your version, you specified how you fixed it, did it completely remove all the gaps?

It seems to be quite a bit of editing in your version, granted that when I was coding my update to Brian's MOD, it took abit of time to get it all right, but now, as it is, if your following the instructions correctly, it should take less than 5 minutes to complete the edits to the files listed in the update version I previously uploaded here.

You specified that your not using this mod at the moment, if you get the chance sometime, let me know how it looks on your site, if you still get any gaps, or if its fixed it.

Yeah, I looked at lafcpug phorum prior to starting the coding of this MOD, I have seen other phorums as well with the same issue, that's partly why I coded this update, I wanted my own Phorum gaps solved as well.

IE screwing with the view of a site, tell me about it, IE is one of the worst culprits for that.

Since I made the MOD update, I have further tested it against IE 6.5, IE 7.0, Mozilla Firefox & Netscapte (but I can't remember what version that was), so far the MOD looks stable.

Fangs that bite!

Alternating Background in Thread & Message Views

Tree lines like Phorum 3 (by BrianLMoon) --- My working update

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2007 05:39PM by Snake.
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