Firefox PHP

Poll Module

Posted by arlo 
Re: Poll Module
February 07, 2006 05:46AM
Yes yes I also wanst to fix poll mod for last phorum version. I try to investigate how to do but I was not successfull with that. So can anyone help to solve it?
Re: Poll Module
February 07, 2006 01:39PM
Anyone...? :-(

Sorry... I'm not a programmer. I know very little about php, I'm still struggling with it.

Is it true, the poll isn't going to work for 5.1.x?


"Everything we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe
Re: Poll Module
February 07, 2006 05:41PM
Yes that is unfortunatelly true- temlates from version < 5.1 are uncompatible with tha current 5.1.7. For details you can see my trouble in this topic.
Re: Poll Module
February 10, 2006 04:46AM
Got it!!!

It's actually really simple to fix.

Look at poll.php, there are two example of PHORUM_POST_URL as the page type in there. This page type isn't handled any more because of the new template system (posting_messageform). Just chage those two examples to PHORUM_POSTING_URL and it will work!
Re: Poll Module
February 10, 2006 07:00AM
replacing all occurencies of PHORUM_POST_URL with PHORUM_POSTING_URL in the poll.php file
and adding
to the posting_message.tpl file instead of to the post_form.tpl file, fixes the problem (makes this module Phorum 5.1.8 compatible).


Amilcar Lucas webmaster

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2006 12:41PM by amilcarpt.
Re: Poll Module
February 20, 2006 02:44PM
Hi, has anyone tried the Poll module with Martha template for 5.1?

Re: Poll Module
March 03, 2006 04:17PM
1. There are Problems using this mod under php5 whith phorum 5.1.8 I got the followed errors.

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\www\phorum5\mods\poll\poll.php on line 166 when viewing the result, or
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\www\phorum5\mods\poll\poll.php on line 253 when vote a second time.

The mod works fine whis php 4.x and phorum 5.1.8 after fixing the URL to POSTING

2. I can not unzip the newest attachment []
I try ist whis windows onw unzip, winzip and winace :-(

Is there anyone who can post this file again?



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2006 04:23PM by
Re: Poll Module
March 04, 2006 08:54AM
Poll, Phorum5.1.8 and PHP5.0 work fine for me.
Did you read the last 4 posts in this thread ?

Amilcar Lucas webmaster
Re: Poll Module
March 04, 2006 09:47AM
Yes i read the last 4 posts ;-)
I get this problem only using PHP 5.0.0 or PHP 5.1.2. with Phorum 5.1.8RC2
If i use PHP 4.x with Phorum 5.1.8RC2 this mod works fine.

I want to install the newest Version of (found on page 5) but i can´t unzip :-(
Re: Poll Module
March 04, 2006 11:33AM
I attach my poll module.
It works fine with phorum SVN HEAD, PHP 5.0.5 and MySQL 4.0.18

Amilcar Lucas webmaster

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2006 11:21AM by amilcarpt.
open | download - poll.ZIP (7.1 KB)
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