Firefox PHP

Poll Module

Posted by arlo 
Re: Poll Module
January 26, 2005 09:26AM

in log file there no errors
Re: Poll Module (icon message)
February 26, 2005 09:45AM
To Krang: in what file must I add this? And what string?
Re: Poll Module (icon message)
February 26, 2005 10:04AM
For those who want to see icons in subjects where poll is you have to do next:

1. Download (,file=256) or make by yourself icon
2. in settings.tpl add row
{define marker-poll <img src="templates/default/images/poll.gif" border="0" alt="" style="vertical-align: middle;" />&nbsp;}
3. in list.tpl add row
{IF ROWS->meta->mod_poll}<?php echo $PHORUM['TMP']['marker-poll']; ?>{/IF}
before <a href="{ROWS->url}">{ROWS->subject}</a>
(if you want that icon to be before subject)

Ok, good luck
Re: Poll Module
February 28, 2005 12:08AM
See post below (I had to change directions.txt in the zip).


"Everything we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2005 12:32AM by portal of curiousity.
Re: Poll Module
February 28, 2005 12:31AM
This isn't a module, just an add-on for the list views in the template. Instead of Poll:, Announcement: and Sticky:, it uses what Avdoshyn posted, and the changing of the language file, to use icons instead of them. Screenshot included.

Oh, and ignore where it says Poll: in the subjects of poll posts in the screenshot. Even after you follow the instructions, you have to manually take Poll: out of the subject line for old polls, but new polls won't include the Poll: in the subject.


"Everything we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe

open | download - (2.5 KB)
Re: Poll Module (icon message)
March 01, 2005 12:46AM
Hi, Thanks for these great icons and the POLL module. Portal of curiousity , I'm using your directions and everything is working well.. but, one small issue. When I post a poll It is normaly an open thread. However, when I close this thread as a normal post the POLL icon is not being displayed. It is displayed when posted as an announcement or sticky in combo with the POLL. I was hoping you could tell me what changes to make in this list.tpl code to fix this small issue.

Thank you again.

Re: Poll Module
March 01, 2005 08:23AM

I would really like the poll to show up as first "message" on every page of a multi-page-thread. Is that possible somehow ?

Re: Poll Module
March 01, 2005 08:27AM
Hmm, I think thats beyond the scope of a module but ... hey the first message of the thread is loaded on every page of the thread, I just don't know if its available to the module. at least its removed later on.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Poll Module
March 02, 2005 01:43PM
Hi Thomas,

> I just don't know if its available to the module.

How can I find out?

Re: Poll Module (icon message)
March 03, 2005 07:28PM
JohnS Wrote:
> module. Portal of curiousity , I'm using your
> directions and everything is working well.. but,
> one small issue. When I post a poll It is normaly
> an open thread. However, when I close this thread
> as a normal post the POLL icon is not being
> displayed. It is displayed when posted as an
> announcement or sticky in combo with the POLL. I
> was hoping you could tell me what changes to make
> in this list.tpl code to fix this small issue.

The reason why a closed thread hides the poll icon is that it was my attempt to dissuade people from voting any further, since I don't think there's a Close Poll feature in the Poll Modules.

You would just alter the part that goes into list.tpl and list_threads.tpl. It's just a bunch of if and else statements.


"Everything we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe
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