Firefox PHP

Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module

Posted by Chris Eaton 
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File Name File Size   Posted by Date  
namedposting1.3.tar.gz 4.3 KB open | download Chris Eaton 08/15/2006 Read message
namedposting1.31.tar.gz 4.3 KB open | download Chris Eaton 08/15/2006 Read message
Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 12, 2004 09:48PM
This module takes a little bit of explaining, as it does several things.

The first thing it does is allows a registered user to post with any name they wish, instead of just their username. The behaviour is similar to how anonymous users can type in a name to post as, with registered users also able to do that. The post still links to the users profile, so you can still know who is posting.

It also allows for the creation of "primary" and "alternate" identities for the user, with a default name and signature for each one. (this is really useful in a roleplaying type forum, where you can have one forum for your characters talking, and another for talking Out of Game.

The module comes with a file called doc.txt, containing documentation. You *MUST* read it, as it outlines the template changes that are necessary to make this module work.

Download here for Phorum 5.0: []

For 5.1, see the attached file.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2006 12:52PM by Tridus.
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 13, 2004 06:07PM
I did as doc.txt asks, profile works fine, but posting doesn't, it lets you put fill in the extra field, but doesn't show up when you look at posts.

I suspect it has something to do with me not doing anything with settings.php and namedposting.php in the zipped file. Where do I put these, in the main directory where phorum is installed? Or elsewhere?
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 13, 2004 06:17PM
In the mods directory I would have thought (in its own directory, like the other mods already there). Plus be sure to turn the mod on in the Phorum admin.
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 13, 2004 06:18PM
I'm more interested in the using of another name while posting, than the two signatures.

settings.php in the zip file, do I take something out of that into my settings.php, or replace the whole thing?
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 13, 2004 06:19PM
Both in layoutsettings of the mods folder?
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 13, 2004 10:01PM
Alright... this is the standard procedure for installing a phorum 5 module.

Extract the archive. Put *everything* from inside it into a subfolder of the mods directory. In this case, it should be mods/namedposting

All the files should be in there. Once that is done, you can go into the Phorum Admin, and go to Modules. You will see a "settings" link for the named posting module, which will let you configure it.

Until its configured and enabled, it won't work.

(if you extract it using "tar -zxf mod_namedposting.tar.gz" while inside the mods directory, it'll take care of the directory structure for you.)
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 13, 2004 10:22PM
I'm pretty sure I followed the doc.txt and your instructions (I put nameposting.php, info.txt, and settings.php in the created nameposting folder off of the mods directory), but when I selected ON for nameposting, I got the following errors on the top of my admin:

Warning: phorum_hook(./mods/nameposting/nameposting.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php on line 418

Warning: phorum_hook(): Failed opening './mods/nameposting/nameposting.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php on line 418

Warning: call_user_func(mod_namedposting_setup_variables): First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php on line 423

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php:418 in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/include/users.php on line 70

And the following errors on the top of my boards:

Warning: phorum_hook(./mods/nameposting/nameposting.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php on line 418

Warning: phorum_hook(): Failed opening './mods/nameposting/nameposting.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php on line 418

Warning: call_user_func(mod_namedposting_setup_variables): First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/lyruneda/public_html/boards/common.php on line 423

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2004 10:23PM by (n/a).
check the file permssions and owner
March 14, 2004 12:22AM
same with the directory "nameposting"

make sure the directory is readble and accessible (+r+x) and the file is readble (+r) by the web server. (I'm assuming this is some sort of *nix machine)
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 14, 2004 01:57AM
I did, the permissions are set, but I'm still getting the same errors.
Re: Named Posting (and multiple names/signatures) Module
March 14, 2004 06:58AM
That would be because you missed the "d" in "namedposting". There is no "nameposting.php" file, which is why it can't be opened. Since it can't be opened, there is no function to call.

That generates all those errors.
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