Firefox PHP
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File Name File Size   Posted by Date  
user_avatar.tar.bz2 4.8 KB open | download CH 06/30/2005 Read message 6.9 KB open | download CH 07/01/2005 Read message 6.1 KB open | download CH 07/24/2005 Read message
user_avatar.tar.bz2 4.3 KB open | download CH 07/24/2005 Read message 12 KB open | download CZVilda 06/20/2007 Read message
french.php 1.2 KB open | download 06/28/2007 Read message
russian.php 1 KB open | download nikdm 11/29/2007 Read message
ukrainian.php 1003 bytes open | download nikdm 11/29/2007 Read message
2007-12-06scr_1.jpg 29 KB open | download xdaniel 12/06/2007 Read message
2007-12-06scr_2.jpg 95.1 KB open | download xdaniel 12/06/2007 Read message
User Avatar Module
June 30, 2005 08:42PM
Hello everyone,

This is my first post to this phorum. I would just like to say congratulations on building a good, solid, easy-to-customize piece of software.

Thanks to Chris Eaton (Tridus) for the mod_avatar module. I have taken that module and tweaked it so that instead of a user assigning a label to each available avatar image and choosing an avatar for each post, a user simply selects one image as "his/her" avatar. This image appears beside every post the user makes or has ever made (unless the viewer has disabled avatars).

This makes a user's avatar a property of the user rather than of the post. This was what I wanted for my purposes.

This module does not support multiple avatars via the "named posting" module. I do not have named posting on my phorum, so I have no way to test whether the feature even works or not. I do not have any use for it, so I've removed all the named-posting-related code from mod_avatar.
open | download - user_avatar.tar.bz2 (4.8 KB)
Re: User Avatar Module
July 01, 2005 04:35AM

You may want to use more common packaging than bz2, it's ok on Linux etc, but windows boxes may have difficulties, even tar.gz is better.

Or if someone is unable to unpack this one on windows use 7zip or rar.

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: User Avatar Module
July 01, 2005 09:03PM
Right, I didn't think about Windows. Anyway, here's the same module in ZIP format.
open | download - (6.9 KB)
Re: User Avatar Module
July 05, 2005 06:06AM
To CH: Can you give here some example for module implementation?
Re: User Avatar Module
July 05, 2005 06:33AM
see the readme in the archive to know how to implement it.

Thomas Seifert
Re: User Avatar Module
July 24, 2005 12:58PM
Hi everyone,

I have a problem with this avatar mod and my fresh install of phorum. I followed the instructions in the readme.txt.

I don't see any avatar related text or text-fields in the my profile center. If i want to change some settings in the admin modules panel, I get the message "There are no settings for this module."

As I said, I followed the instructions in the readme closely, changed the .tpl's, copied those two files in the right places and so on ..

Do u know what i made wrong?:)
I can't figure out my mistake..
Re: User Avatar Module
July 24, 2005 08:36PM
I'm afraid I can't really help out too much, as I don't know the precise details of your configuration (and, to tell the truth, I don't really know the code very much, as I copied most of it from mod_avatar). I guess I would just suggest making sure the module is turned on and then see if you can turn error reporting up to maximum in your PHP and then maybe get an error message that would be more useful. However, I've made some small changes to the module since I posted that version, so this one may (or may not) fix your problem. Once you unpack the attachment, you'll need to turn the module off and on again in the admin panel for it to work right. You should recopy the two files as instructed in the readme, but the changes to the template editing instructions are purely aesthetic, so your old edits should be fine.

Good luck.
open | download - (6.1 KB)
open | download - user_avatar.tar.bz2 (4.3 KB)
Warning: getimagesize():
September 18, 2005 12:29PM
I get this warning when I try to use mod user avatar:

Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /customers/.../mod_user_avatar.php on line 72

Any ideer how to fix it ?

My server is running in safe mode, doesn’t this module work in safe mode ?



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2005 12:45PM by dragonbook.
Re: Warning: getimagesize():
September 18, 2005 01:12PM
You need to have URL file access enabled on your server. This is enabled by setting the "allow_url_fopen" setting in php.ini to "On". I don't know if this can be turned on in safe mode or, if so, how it works. It can't hurt to try, anyway.

Re: Warning: getimagesize():
September 18, 2005 01:15PM
I am using a payed server and I can't change anything on that server. Is there a way to not use URL file access ?


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