Firefox PHP

User Avatar Module

Posted by CH 
Re: User Avatar Module
August 23, 2006 04:30PM
filesystem storage mod doesn't really work. don't use it.

Thomas Seifert
Re: User Avatar Module
August 23, 2006 04:43PM
Ah oh, hmm, ok.

Steel Rat
Re: User Avatar Module
August 27, 2006 04:11PM
I'm getting the same error as kling above, but don't see a response to his problem:

Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /*/mod_user_avatar.php on line 50

What is wrong?

UPDATE: Okay, I found out what was wrong. In the Documentation, it simply says:

File Uploads must be enabled in Phorum's 'General Settings'. You need to make sure to allow at least one image filetype, such as .gif, .jpg, or .png.

But, you must *also* go into the Modules control panel, click on the "settings" for the Avatar module, and enable image filetypes there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2006 07:29PM by scribb.
Re: User Avatar Module
November 06, 2006 09:19AM
Done as you say, but the problem remains the same. When I uncheck the avatar blockage checkbox I save it and it returns checked. What a frustration... :(

I had this same problem after creating the "mod_user_avatar" field, but not unchecking the "Disable HTML" box when I made it. I went back and unchecked the box, but it did not help.

The following worked:
Delete "mod_user_avatar" field in Custom Profiles
Recreate it and ensure the "Disable HTML" is unchecked when you do.

This fixed my problem.
Re: User Avatar Module
November 06, 2006 11:01AM
I found another issue. In flat mode (reading posts) every avatar is that of the first poster. It must not be letting go of the value. I am playing around with where to put

{IF MESSAGE->mod_user_avatar}
<img src="{MESSAGE->mod_user_avatar}" alt="" align="left" hspace="10" />

in the read.tpl file. I have not found a spot that fixes the problem entirely. Moving it has caused the wrong avatar under the next poster (still the thread starter's), or made all avatars disappear from all posters after the first.
Where is the text?
November 08, 2006 10:03PM

I've installed the module into a phorum 5.0.21 and it seems to work.
Only 2 problems:
1) the language file does not seem to work. (i.e. no text in the 'personal profile' link to the avatar settings) Where does the english file need to be put? Is it an old version?
2) No avatars are visible in the beginscreen / overview all threads. Allthough I've modified all the files that are named in the readme.txt

Thanks for your help,

I have both of these problems too! I've renamed my mods folder to 'user_avatar' and that solved the 'no settings error' but i'm still left with no text.

The mods/user_avatar/english.php seems to be a culprit.
1. Should it have an index for 'EditAvatar' as required by cc_menu.tpl.
2. Should english.php be in that directory?

Any help would be great! Cheers

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2006 10:04PM by derektaprell.
Re: Where is the text?
November 09, 2006 03:07AM
I don't know much about this mod, but if it has proper module language support, then the english.php should be in mods/user_avatar/lang/english.php and the info.txt should contain an entry saying "hook: lang|". So an english.php directly in the mod directory doesn't sound right to me.

You're right about the EditAvatar key. If that is a language string that is used, it should be defined somewhere in a language file.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: User Avatar Module
December 07, 2006 08:00AM
i've gone through this thread and tried all relevant fixes, double checked the readme for this module and made all changes as instructed.

however, after adding images to 'my files', when i go to the avatar control panel, i get no options for images to choose as an avatar, only the pre-selected option 'No Avatar'

i have ensured that file uploads are on and the .gif and .jpg are selected. the images i have uploaded are one .gif and one .jpg

Re: User Avatar Module
February 19, 2007 07:07PM
I think this mod may be broken due to a new version.

i've gone through this thread and tried all relevant fixes, double checked the readme for this module and made all changes as instructed.

however, after adding images to 'my files', when i go to the avatar control panel, i get no options for images to choose as an avatar, only the pre-selected option 'No Avatar'

i have ensured that file uploads are on and the .gif and .jpg are selected. the images i have uploaded are one .gif and one .jpg

Re: User Avatar Module
March 03, 2007 04:49AM
It does work in 5.1.19, I'm using it myself.

This version: []
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