Firefox PHP
Re: Text style editor
March 09, 2006 03:21PM
Thank you Maurice,

i've tried to check the code but most it was written in a language (i guess from eastern europe) that i don't know.

i'm waiting and anticipating for your mod then, the BBcode editor it's an essential mod and it would be great to have it straight from the developers team.

abt the 5.1 release, it's a matter of weeks or months?

Thank you so much,
Re: Text style editor
March 09, 2006 03:42PM
dev-versions are out already, you can test it whenever you like.
fresh snapshots are also steadily created.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Text style editor
May 02, 2006 11:19PM
With NS/Mozilla, enter "javascript:" in the location or startup the javascript console from the menu. Then run your page and see if there are any javascript errors.

Despite Thomas' comment, I have planned a bbcode tool module for the editor that can be shipped with Phorum. I had one finished, but the main problem that I had with it was that the javascript library that I used was GPL licenced. This is totally incompatible with the Phorum license and we really do not want to make Phorum GPL. Therefore, I'll have to come up with some new code for this feature. I hope I have the time to finish this module before the stable release of 5.1.x. Else, I will release the module afterwards.
I am very interest with this mods when will it be available?


Chanh Ong
Re: Text style editor
May 03, 2006 07:44AM
Basically when it is finished :-) At this moment, I'm doing a lot of work for my daily job, which snoops away time for Phorum development. Next week I hope to have some solid development time available to work out some of the ideas that I have.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: Text style editor
May 11, 2006 08:19AM
How to make moderator to see all buttons (bold, italic, ....) and other users to see some of them in bb-editor-enhaced-3.2?
Re: Text style editor
May 11, 2006 08:31AM
You'll have to write code for that which checks whether the current user is an administrator and decide if you want to show buttons or not based on that. But why would you do this? Users can still use all BBcode tags, so you're not stopping users from using that this way.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: Text style editor
May 11, 2006 04:50PM
Because, I write some new tags in bbcode.php only for moderator and users dont know thay exist and because they can make a chaos with those tags.
How to do that in bb_texteditor.php?
Re: Text style editor
May 11, 2006 05:52PM
Since this means you probably can code PHP, you should be able how to change the bb_texteditor.php. What you can use in the code is $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["MODERATOR"] which will be set to a true value in case the current user is an administrator.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: Text style editor
May 11, 2006 07:50PM
Thanx, it works.
If somebody need this here it is:
In bb_texteditor.php put this

<?php if ($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["MODERATOR"]==true) { ?>
<input type="button" id="bbbold" class="StileSubmit" title="<?php echo $TE_lang['TE_Bhelp']?>".......
<?php } else { ?>
<input type="button" id="bbbold" class="StileSubmit" title="<?php echo $TE_lang['TE_Bhelp']?>".......
<?php } ?>  
Re: Text style editor
July 03, 2006 02:27PM
Thanks but not working with phorum 5.1.13 (preview page).
Enclosed my contribution in french language.
open | download - french.php (3.9 KB)
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