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Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)

Posted by sheik 
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phorum3links-1.1.0.tar.gz 1.7 KB open | download sheik 01/03/2007 Read message 2.4 KB open | download sheik 01/03/2007 Read message
Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
January 30, 2005 02:57PM
Thanks to some helpful comments by Thomas, this module is now ready.

This module detects old Phorum 3 style URLs and redirects in a search-engine friendly way, to the new Phorum 5 link. This module will only work if you upgraded to Phorum 5 using the script which stores the new offset values.
To check if you have these, look in your phorum_settings table, for a field called 'conversion_offsets'. If it contains data, you are in luck and this module should
do what you want.

Related thread: []

This is my first module, so any feedback or corrections are welcomed.
I removed my "Settings" for this module by the way as I only used it for debugging.


Edit by Maurice

I did some changes to the module and added the downloadable packages to this message. Here's the changelog for it:
2006-09-27 v1.1.0, rewrite by Maurice Makaay <>

    - Added README and Changelog to the module.

    - Also support SSL HTTP links (https://).

    - Fixed some undefined index warnings.

    - Handle index and list pages as well.

    - Use phorum_get_url() to construct URLs to Phorum 5 pages.

2005-01-30 v1.0, Adam Sheik (

    - Initial release.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2007 08:40AM by mmakaay.
open | download - phorum3links-1.1.0.tar.gz (1.7 KB)
open | download - (2.4 KB)
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
January 30, 2005 04:21PM
Hi Adam,

Congratiolations, great stuff!
Works just fine so far - the only thing not working are old Links to a search result like this:


But that's shurely a different matter...

Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
January 30, 2005 04:23PM
Yes, I've only written it to parse old incoming links - as these are likely to exist in search-engine, external sites and within the phorum itself.

Also, I've been told by some of my users that they bookmarked their favourite threads.

I'm glad the module is working for you.


My notable Phorum sites:
Movie Deaths Database - "review comments" system mostly powered by Phorum
Learn Chinese! - integrated forum quiz
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
January 30, 2005 04:25PM
On a related note, old profiles and links to actual forums won't work either.
I may fix this if there is a demand for it. Personally I was 95% concerned with links to posts.


My notable Phorum sites:
Movie Deaths Database - "review comments" system mostly powered by Phorum
Learn Chinese! - integrated forum quiz
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
January 30, 2005 07:10PM
by 'links to actual forums', do you mean the /links.php page?
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
January 31, 2005 03:10AM
he meant list.php

Thomas Seifert
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
May 01, 2005 02:22PM

I tried this module.

It does not seem to work for me at all.

For instance. my old thread link was:

the new one is:

I believe this is due to the fact that all messages are now kept in one table?

how is this module supposed to work?
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
May 01, 2005 02:25PM
the message-ids changed through conversion thats why the offsets are stored (and used in this module).

you should tell what you get and whats wrong with that so that someone could help you at all.

just telling "it doesn't work" isn't enough.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
May 02, 2005 09:27PM

what seems to be wrong is that the module converts the link from

this: /forums/read.php?f=25&i=782&t=782

to this: /read.php?25,782,782#msg-782

but the thread is actually here: /forums/read.php?25,24730,24730

perhaps it is not finding the offsets for some reason?

Re: Phorum3Links module (restore your old Phorum3 links!)
May 03, 2005 02:27AM
maybe you converted your forums before the offsets were added?

Thomas Seifert
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