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quick qoute. help

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quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 12:21AM

Language: PHP
<script> // <!-- function quotemessage(nickname) { var t = ';';; if (nickname!=';';) {nickname = nickname.replace(';&quot;';, ';"';);} isDOM=document.getElementById; isMSIE=document.all && document.all.item; isNetscape4=document.layers; isOpera=window.opera; isOpera5=isOpera && isDOM; isMSIE5=isDOM && isMSIE; isMozilla=isNetscape6=isDOM && !isMSIE && !isOpera; if (isMozilla || (isOpera && !isMSIE5)) { t=window.getSelection().toString(); } if (isMSIE5) { text_obj=document.selection.createRange(); t=text_obj.text; } if (nickname!=';';) { t = "[nickname]"+nickname+"[/nickname]\r\n"+t; } if (t!=';';) { document.forms.post_form.body.value+="\r\n[quote]"+t+"[/quote]\r\n"; window.location.href="#reply"; } else { alert(';Для использования функции цитирования следует выделить мышкой цитируемый текст';); } } // --> </script>

Language: PHP
<a href="javascript: void(0)"; onmousedown="quotemessage(';[author]';);">{LANG->QuoteMessage}</a>

That it is necessary to put that instead of 'author' it was displayed nickname.

Example: []
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 02:48AM
is there a question hidden in this post somewhere?

Thomas Seifert
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 04:26AM
It is necessary to put what variable that was displayed nickname, instead of ' author '?

Language: PHP
<a href="javascript: void(0)"; onmousedown="quotemessage(';[author]';);">

Help please

Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 04:30AM
that depends on which template you put this code in.
just check a couple of lines above in the template the variable which adds the author to the post.

btw. there is no [nickname] bbcode in phorum.

Thomas Seifert
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 04:50AM
Thomas Seifert
that depends on which template you put this code in.
just check a couple of lines above in the template the variable which adds the author to the post.
template: "default"

Thomas Seifert
btw. there is no [nickname] bbcode in phorum.
I know
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 05:01AM
no, I'm talking about the exact template file. it differs in threaded, non-threaded or hybrid templates.
and why are you still on 5.1?

Thomas Seifert
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 06:16AM
Thomas Seifert
no, I'm talking about the exact template file. it differs in threaded, non-threaded or hybrid templates.

Thomas Seifert
and why are you still on 5.1?
5.2.9 Does not support Russian. Transfer is, but messages do not pass in Russian
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 06:23AM
without checking but
should probably do.


5.2.9 Does not support Russian. Transfer is, but messages do not pass in Russian

sorry but that is plain wrong. 5.2 supports all languages even better than 5.1. it just needs to be configured to do so and thats where you come in.

there won't be any further 5.1 releases as all development is on 5.2 and 5.3 so I suggest to you to try 5.2 again.

Thomas Seifert
Re: quick qoute. help
November 11, 2008 06:51AM
Many thanks! As I have not guessed. Now I will install 5.2.9
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