Apologies but I don't know how to submit official patches, and this is very minor:
Phorum version:v5.2.19
Overview: when searching for a user in admin, it would be nice to have a way to easily view their public profile (for example, to spot spammers or view all their posts).
File: /include/admin/users.php
Look for Line 833:
$edit_url = phorum_admin_build_url($user_input_args);
and add this line directly underneath it:
$profile_url = phorum_get_url(PHORUM_PROFILE_URL, $user['user_id']);
Then replace:
<td class=\"".$ta_class."\"><a href=\"$edit_url\">".(empty($PHORUM['custom_display_name']) ? htmlspecialchars($user['display_name']) : $user['display_name'])."</a></td>\n";
echo " <td class=\"".$ta_class."\">" . (empty($PHORUM['custom_display_name']) ? htmlspecialchars($user['display_name']) : $user['display_name'])." [<a href=\"$edit_url\">edit</a> | <a href=\"$profile_url\" target=\"_blank\">view profile</a>]</td>\n";
My notable Phorum sites:
Movie Deaths Database - "review comments" system mostly powered by Phorum
Learn Chinese! - integrated forum quiz