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Phorum 5.1/5.0

All stuff about our older stable but now deprecated versions 5.1 and 5.0 goes here. 
Folder List Phorum 5.1/5.0 Topics Posts Last Post

5.1 Phorum Support

If you are having a problem with Phorum in versions 5.1 or 5.0 (deprecated), this is the place to look for an answer. You can also find help in our chat room.

3,667 19,794 July 15, 2024 06:16AM

5.1 Phorum Templates/Themes

This is the forum to post your completed templates or ask questions about making changes to Phorum templates.

289 1,690 December 19, 2011 06:09PM

5.1 Phorum Language Files

You can post completed or in progress translations of Phorum here.

111 708 November 29, 2009 11:44AM

5.1 Phorum Modules / Add-Ons

Modules are small packages that increase or change the functionality of Phorum in some way, without changing any of the main Phorum code.

401 6,294 September 23, 2024 09:46AM

5.1 Phorum Hacks

Hacks are additions that require changes to the core Phorum code. While there is nothing wrong with a hack, it is recommend that you try and create a module if at all possible, as modules are easier to use for other people.

109 748 November 10, 2014 12:40PM
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