3.20. Control center

3.20.1. cc_panel

This hook can be used to implement an extra control center panel or to override an existing panel if you like.

Call time:

Right before loading a standard panel's include file.

Hook input:

An array containing the following fields:

  • panel: the name of the panel that has to be loaded. The module will have to check this field to see if it should handle the panel or not.
  • template: the name of the template that has to be loaded. This field should be filled by the module if it wants to load a specific template.
  • handled: if a module does handle the panel, then it can set this field to a true value, to prevent Phorum from running the standard panel code.
  • error: modules can fill this field with an error message to show.
  • okmsg: modules can fill this field with an ok message to show.
  • force_okmsg: modules can fill this field if their okmsg should take precedence over the okmsg set from the core controlcenter panel.
  • force_error: modules can fill this field if their error should take precedence over the error set from the core controlcenter panel.

Hook output:

The same array as the one that was used for the hook call argument, possibly with the "template", "handled", "error" and "okmsg" fields updated in it.