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TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page

Posted by Thomas Seifert 
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File Name File Size   Posted by Date 2.4 KB open | download Thomas Seifert 07/07/2004 Read message 3.1 KB open | download amilcarpt 03/24/2006 Read message
topusers.tpl 1.5 KB open | download Oliver Riesen-Mallmann 04/18/2006 Read message
TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 07, 2004 04:47PM
A simple Addon which shows the most active users in the whole phorum (not in a single forum) together with their number of posts and the percentage of posts made by them.

Read the included readme on how to use and install it.

Thomas Seifert
open | download - (2.4 KB)
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 08, 2004 11:51AM
Excellent job :) Works!



Polskie Centrum WebKomiksu
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 08, 2004 12:48PM
Excellent! Thanks, better than my one ;-)

How do I need to change it if I want it to display Top Threads instead of users?
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 08, 2004 01:02PM
that would be something completely different, so not just a "change".

Thomas Seifert
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 08, 2004 01:06PM
Ah, o.k., so it would have to be a completely differently written script?

I have a basic 'Top Threads' script that I adapted form my basic 'Top Posters' script that I posted here a week or so ago, but it has a totally different aprroach to this script.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2004 01:08PM by Mandingo.
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 08, 2004 04:08PM
Also, is it supposed to grab the colors from your forum settings? It's grey in my version.
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 08, 2004 04:25PM
it just uses the same css which by itself uses the settings.
feel free to change the template to your liking.

Thomas Seifert
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 14, 2004 01:16PM
I added in the sql sentence in topusers.php the following

"where posts>0"

Now only the users who already sent at least one post are listed.

from line 25 :
$sql = "select
user_id, username, posts
where posts>0
order by
posts DESC
LIMIT 0,$num";
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 15, 2004 08:37PM
Thanks for this add-on.

One bug which it has uncovered...

You have a link on the page to "New Topic", however I can go to the page without specifying a forum. I tried clicking on it and it allowed me to post a message, which appeared in EVERY forum, as if it was an announcement.
Re: TopUsers in a templated Phorum-Page
July 16, 2004 07:22PM
> You have a link on the page to "New Topic",
> however I can go to the page without specifying a
> forum. I tried clicking on it and it allowed me
> to post a message, which appeared in EVERY forum,
> as if it was an announcement.

Whoa. I fixed this in CVS. Amazing that has not been found yet.

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