Firefox PHP

List Moderators

Posted by Chris Eaton 
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List Moderators
May 21, 2004 06:27PM
I've created a very simple module that lists the moderators in whatever forum the user is looking at. Its based off of my onlineusers module, and works pretty well the same way.

This probably won't work properly without a very current CVS version, or Phorum 5.0.6 (which as of the time of writing is not yet released).

Moderator remark:
The download link was removed from this message, since Oliver Riesen is now the active maintainer of this module. You can find the latest version of the module in this message now (Maurice)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2006 07:30AM by mmakaay.
Re: List Moderators
May 28, 2004 06:34AM
Works great!

One thing? How to make the moderator usernames to align to left side, instead of center? Otherwise works no problem.

Thanks for the fine mod!


Re: List Moderators
May 28, 2004 07:18AM
They're center formatted because its using the "stdblocK" template file, and that is centered.
Re: List Moderators
May 29, 2004 06:17AM
I see. Thanks, now I know where to search :)


Re: List Moderators
June 07, 2004 03:37PM
How would I change how it appears

<div class="PhorumStdBlockHeader PhorumHeaderText" style="text-align: left; margin-top: 5px;">Forum Moderators</div>

<div class="PhorumStdBlock"><a href='[www.domain.ext];

to just simply:

<b>Forum Moderators:</b> <a href='[www.domain.ext];

Re: List Moderators
June 07, 2004 05:16PM
Somebody with more knowledge of the template system then I have can probably correct me if I'm wrong on this.

I believe you can make a copy of stdblock.tpl in the template. Call it "moderators.tpl" or something like that, and change that accordingly.

Next open up /mods/listmoderators/listmoderators.php and change that command to load "moderators" instead of "stdblock".

*IN THEORY*, that will then output using the template in moderators.tpl instead of stdblock.tpl.
Re: List Moderators
June 07, 2004 11:30PM
Your theory was right, I made moderators.tpl, replaced "stdblock" in mods/listmoderators/listmoderators.php with moderators, put

<div align="center"><b>Forum Moderators:</b> <?php echo"<a href='$profileurl,$user[user_id]'>$user[username]</a>"; ?></div>

and it worked. Thank ya.
Re: List Moderators
February 13, 2005 04:44PM
Phorum 5

Error in mysql.
Warning: Missing argument 2 for phorum_db_user_get() in /forum/include/db/mysql.php on line 1584

To fix goto line 89 and change:

$user = phorum_db_user_get($user_id);


$user = phorum_db_user_get($user_id, $detailed);

And all is good.

The $detailed is just ignored since it isnt used but it doesn't complain.

Re: List Moderators
September 05, 2005 07:33AM
I get that error, but cant find anything similar at line 89


^AU^ Assassins United
Re: List Moderators
September 05, 2005 01:33PM
Changed lin 1596 to: function phorum_db_user_get($user_id)

Error is gone. Dont know if its the right thing to do though.........


^AU^ Assassins United
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