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Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x

Posted by amilcarpt 
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File Name File Size   Posted by Date  
poll.5.1.tar.bz2 5 KB open | download amilcarpt 04/20/2006 Read message
poll.php 13.9 KB open | download scigametools 06/04/2006 Read message
poll.php 14.6 KB open | download Zébulon 06/28/2006 Read message
french.php 1.6 KB open | download Zébulon 06/28/2006 Read message
Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 06:30AM
I've updated the Poll module ( [] ) created by arlo in 2004 to be able to work with Phorum 5.1.x.

I've also integrated some fixes and extensions to it.
The install instructions are also updated.


Amilcar Lucas webmaster
open | download - poll.5.1.tar.bz2 (5 KB)
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 10:11AM
Hey, thanks for the roll-up!

Can't quite seem to get it to work, though. Running on windows, phorum 5.1.10, mysql v. 4.1.18 , apache 2.0.55, testing with both ie 6 and opera 8.5.

Here's what I've done so far... expanded the archive into (phorum)/mod/poll .

I added {POLLFORM} (etc) to posting_messageform.tpl . Here's a copy of where I put it (just to make sure I didn't put it somewhere blatently stupid...):

{! Body ===================================================================== }
{HOOK tpl_editor_before_textarea}

I also added the custom profile field mod_poll, making sure not to check disable html. (Left field length at 255.)

In any case, I turned on the mod, and whenever I go to write a new message, I get at the top of the posting page:

Notice: Undefined index: addpoll in (phorum path)\mods\poll\poll.php on line 34

Notice: Undefined index: addpoll in (phorum path)\mods\poll\poll.php on line 72

Any clues on where I've headed down the wrong path? Thanks!
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 11:00AM
To be 100% sure that it works, I've tested it with my production server:

And it worked fine it there:
-I can create a new poll
-I can vote
-I can't vote twice
-I can cancel my vote
-I can not vote after closing the thread

What PHP version do you have ?

Amilcar Lucas webmaster
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 11:12AM
To be 100% sure that it works, I've tested it with my production server:

Oh, don't worry, I believe you! I just have a feeling that I'm missing a setting somewhere.

What PHP version do you have ?

Dang, I was trying to remember to put all the pertinent info in the first post. Oh well.

I'm using PHP 5.0.4 .

Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 12:20PM
amilcarpt, do you show warnings in your production server? I think its just some uninitialized var, not really an error.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 12:30PM
No, no warnigs in the pages. I did not check apache logs or something.

Amilcar Lucas webmaster
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 01:46PM
When you turn off notices the problem disappears...

// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
// This is the default value set in php.ini
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);


If you don't need them you can turn them off in php.ini

-=[ Panu ]=-
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 04:58PM
A little note:
This is merely a work-around for making PHP shut up about uninitialized stuff. It's best to write software with E_ALL for error_reporting and display_errors enabled, so PHP is very strict about the code. It's a great way of preventing common mistakes (like typo's in variable names). On a production system, display_errors should be disabled and error_reporting can be set to a less strict level.

Maurice Makaay
Phorum Development Team
my blog linkedin profile secret sauce
Re: Poll module for Phorum 5.1.x
April 20, 2006 05:27PM
Hey, thanks for the roll-up!

Can't quite seem to get it to work, though. Running on windows, phorum 5.1.10, mysql v. 4.1.18 , apache 2.0.55, testing with both ie 6 and opera 8.5.

In any case, I turned on the mod, and whenever I go to write a new message, I get at the top of the posting page:

Notice: Undefined index: addpoll in (phorum path)\mods\poll\poll.php on line 34

Notice: Undefined index: addpoll in (phorum path)\mods\poll\poll.php on line 72

After a bit of playing, I figured out what my problem was. I didn't intelligently follow step three of the readme. Still doesn't eliminate PHP complaining about undefined indexes, but I'm able to get polls to run correctly.
Minor enhancements
June 04, 2006 07:57PM

I found it a bit annoying how clicking the Vote button or See results on the preview page just zaps your post into nothingness. I made a little fix for this so that those buttons do nothing in a preview. I also added some classes so you have better control over the appearance. (This also requires adding a class to css.tpl.)

In case anyone else finds these changes useful, I'm posting my modified poll.php. Just check the code for a comment:

// RFBP:

To see where I made the changes.

open | download - poll.php (13.9 KB)
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