Firefox PHP

Restoring a deleted message and replies...

Posted by Durtdawber 
Restoring a deleted message and replies...
November 13, 2007 01:37PM
I need to run something past the guys that are smarter than me (it's a big list)...

I've got a message with replies that was accidently deleted. I don't want to go through an entire reload of the table 'phorum_messages' just to restore this one message.

I have isolated all the pertinent table rows (original message and replies) for this thread. If I insert these rows into 'phorum_message' will that put the thread back online?

I just wanted to make sure there were not additions I needed to make to any other tables.

Re: Restoring a deleted message and replies...
November 13, 2007 01:42PM

I have isolated all the pertinent table rows (original message and replies) for this thread. If I insert these rows into 'phorum_message' will that put the thread back online?

yes. you will have an offset to the threads/messages in the forum though so that number will be wrong.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Restoring a deleted message and replies...
November 13, 2007 01:49PM
Sorry Thomas, not following. What number will be wrong?
Re: Restoring a deleted message and replies...
November 13, 2007 02:19PM
the number of posts / threads in the forum, like I told.

Thomas Seifert
Re: Restoring a deleted message and replies...
November 13, 2007 02:32PM
Got it. I inserted the table rows and all is well. Thanks for the help.
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